thequalityof not beingregularinshapeorform, or anexampleof this:
不规则;不整齐Thepicturesshowedcracksand other irregularities inotherwiseperfectlyregularcrystals.这些图片表明:除了一些裂缝及凹凸不平之处,这些等轴晶系晶体无可挑剔。
Thewestof theislandisfamousfortheirregularityofitscoastline.岛的西部因其曲折的海岸线而著名。
Rough, irregular and uneven
- abrasion
- abrasive
- abrasiveness
- bumpy
- coarsely
- jagged
- jaggedly
- jaggy
- jerky
- knobbly
- pockmarked
- ragged
- raggedly
- raggedness
- raggedy
- roughness
- scratchy
- unsteadily
- unsteady
- wonky
something that is notcorrectoracceptable:
违规;不合常规Theinspectorsfoundseveral irregularitiesinthebusinessaccounts.检查人员在业务账目中发现了几处违规。
Theirregularityof(= thelackofrulesfor)Englishspellingmeansthat it iseasyto makemistakes.英语拼写没有规律可循意味着很容易拼错。
Faults and mistakes
- aberration
- Achilles heel
- adrift
- black mark
- blemish
- error
- failing
- false move
- faux pas
- flaw
- miscue
- misfunction
- misperception
- misprint
- misspelling
- that's/it'syourfuneral!idiom
- typo
- wardrobe malfunction
- weakness
- what price...?idiom
thefactthat something does nothappenatregulartimes
不定期;无规律Frequency & regularity - general words
- (as) regular as clockworkidiom
- -ly
- clockwork
- endemically
- erratic
- erratically
- fitful
- frequency
- irregular
- irregularly
- like clockworkidiom
- many
- many a timeidiom
- on and offidiom
- on-off
- periodic
- periodically
- prevalence
- religiously
- would