uk/ˈrəʊ.bəʊ.kɔːl/us/ˈroʊ.boʊ.kɑːl/atelephonecallmadeautomaticallyby acomputer, giving arecordedmessage, or thesystemof using suchcalls:
机器人电话,自动语音电话,电脑自动拨出电话Mostpeoplehangup in the firstminutewhen they get a robocall.大多数人在接到自动语音电话的第一分钟就会挂断。
He willeventake a robocall duringdinner.他甚至会在晚餐时接听机器人电话。
We've done robocallcampaignsat everypoliticallevel.我们已经在各个政治层面通过自动语音电话进行了竞选活动。
- I got a robocall lastweekaskingme aboutredlightcameras.
- Hiscampaignhas been usingautomatedrobocalltelephonecallsinbattlegroundstates.
- Theriseof the robocall and thegrowingnumberofpeoplewho use a cellphone astheirprimarypointofcontacthaveconvergedtoinvadevoters'personalspace.
Communications - by telephone
- 3G
- 4G
- 5G
- aeroplane mode
- airplane mode
- area code
- autodial
- dialling tone
- helpline
- phone mast
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- pocket dial
- prank caller
- ring
- roam
- telecoms
- telephone
- transfer
- wake-up call