jump rope
USuk/ˈdʒʌmp ˌrəʊp/us/ˈdʒʌmp ˌroʊp/(UKskipping rope)aropethat is used forjumpingover as anexerciseorgame:
Set up aminigymathomewith ayogamat,handweightsand ajumprope.

- Ten or 15minuteswith ajumpropewilltireyou out.
- Bring ajumprope. It'sgreatcardio.
- Toavoidvacationweightgain,packajumpropealong withyoursunblock.
- Hesawsomekidswhirlingjumpropeson abasketballcourtin agameofdoubledutch.
Toys & dolls
- balloon
- building block
- catapult
- chew toy
- doll's pram
- fidget
- fidget spinner
- finger puppet
- go-kart
- marble
- mud pie
- rocking horse
- sock puppet
- soft toy
- squirt gun
- squishy
- stacker
- stringed
- teddy
- tricycle
jump rope
USuk/ˌdʒʌmp ˈrəʊp/us/ˌdʒʌmp ˈroʊp/(alsoskip rope);(UKskip)tojumplightlyover aropethat isheldin bothyourhands, or by two otherpeople, andturnedrepeatedlyunderyourlegsand overyourheadasexerciseor agame:
跳绳Why notjumprope,playhopscotch,walk,jogor take adanceclass?
- She waswatchingherdaughterjumpropewith twofriendsoutsidetheirsmallhome.
- When we were littlegirlswejumpedrope, weswamin theocean, wecaughtlightningbugs.
- Finding something that you like to do - whether it'sskating,jugglingorjumpingrope- is whatmattersmost.
Miscellaneous games & activities
- air hockey
- beer pong
- boomerang
- bran tub
- buildering
- bungee
- cage diving
- Frisbee
- horseshoe
- juggling
- keepy-uppy
- korfball
- LARPer
- raffle
- story mode
- subworld
- sudoku
- table football
- tabletop