theactivitiesof thegovernment,membersof law-makingorganizations, orpeoplewhotrytoinfluencethe way acountryisgoverned:
政治;政治活动Joe is veryactiveinleft-wingpolitics.乔在左翼政治中很活跃。
thejobofholdingapositionofpowerin thegovernment:
政治职业,政治事业Thegroupiscampaigningto get more women into politics.该组织正发起运动以使更多的女性有机会从政。
He isplanningtoretirefrom politics nextyear.他打算明年退出政坛。
thestudyof thewaysin which acountryisgoverned:
政治,政治学Shestudiedpolitics at Leicester University.她曾在莱斯特大学攻读政治学。
someone'sopinionsabout how acountryshould begoverned:
(某人的)政治见解,(某人的)政治观点Her politics havebecomemoreliberalover the past fewyears.在过去的几年中,她在政治上变得更加倾向于自由主义。
therelationshipswithin agroupororganizationthatallowparticularpeopleto havepoweroverothers:
(团体或组织内的)争权活动,权术,勾心斗角I don't like to getinvolvedinofficepolitics.我不想卷入办公室的争权夺利中去。
- After 30yearsin politics,ourlocalmemberofparliamentisretiringnextyear.
- Ms Doughtyenteredpolitics after acareerinbanking.
- He was apowerfulforcein British politics during thewaryears.
- She has adegreeinsociologyand politics.
- In theolddaysof two-partyadversarialpolitics,votingwaseasy.
Politics - general words
- anti-capitalism
- anti-capitalist
- anti-communism
- anti-communist
- anti-fascism
- lab
- laissez-faire
- left
- left of centre
- leftist
- overstep
- parliament
- party politics
- personality cult
- pinko
- super-conservative
- Thatcherism
- the Third Way
- Tory
- Toryism
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Opinions, beliefs and points of view
play politics