phrasal verbwithpotverbuk/pɒt/us/pɑːt/-tt-
to put aplantinto acontainertogrow:
Theshootsfrom theshrubcan bepottedup and put in awarmplaceuntil theydevelopa goodrootsystem.
US(UKalsopot on)
toplantaplantin alargerpotthan the one it is in already:
Theplantswillprobablyneed to bepottedup after a fewyears.
US(UKalsopot off)
tomovea veryyoungplantfrom atray(= acontainerfor severalyoungplants), etc. andplantit in apot:
Pot up theseedlingsinto 3inchpotsandkeepthem in awarmplace.
Gardening - general words
- allotmenteer
- allotmenteering
- aquaponics
- arborist
- bed
- blanch
- graft
- guerrilla gardening
- hanging basket
- hedge
- hedgerow
- hedging
- homegrown
- potsomethingoff
- potsomethingon
- prune
- repot
- resod
- scythe
- turf