verb[Iusually+ adv/prep]
mainlyUKuk/ˈpɒt.ər/us/ˈpɑː.t̬ɚ/(USusuallyputter)tomovearound withouthurrying, and in arelaxedandpleasantway:
闲逛,闲荡Ispenttheafternoonpotteringaroundthegardendoing a fewoddjobs.我一个下午都在庭园里散步,顺便做些零活儿。
He doesn'tdriveveryfast- hetendsto potteralong.他车开得不很快——只是在闲逛。
Moving gently on foot
- amble
- blow
- circulate
- dumbwalking
- flâneur
- gently
- meander
- mince
- mincing
- mooch
- mosey
- plod
- process
- promenade
- saunter
- slink
- stroller
- tippy
- tiptoe
- wander
uk/ˈpɒt.ər/us/ˈpɑː.t̬ɚ/potternoun(POT MAKER)
apersonwho makesdishes,plates, and otherobjectsfromclay, usually byhandon aspecialwheel
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Ceramics & pottery
- amphora
- biscuit ware
- bisque
- bisqueware
- bone china
- ceramics
- china
- chinoiserie
- earthen
- earthenware
- fire
- glazed
- kaolin
- kiln
- porcelain
- potter's wheel
- stoneware
- terracotta
- throw
- ware
aslow,relaxedwalkaround aplace:
慢走,闲逛I'm just going intotownforapotterroundtheshops.我正要去城里随便逛逛商店。
Moving gently on foot
- amble
- blow
- circulate
- dumbwalking
- flâneur
- gently
- meander
- mince
- mincing
- mooch
- mosey
- plod
- process
- promenade
- saunter
- slink
- stroller
- tippy
- tiptoe
- wander