释义 |
serveverb(PROVIDE FOOD/DRINK)A2[IorT]toprovidefoodordrinks: 提供(食物或饮料) Do they servemealsin thebar?这家酒吧提供饭菜吗? Breakfast is served in therestaurantbetween 7.00 and 11.00.餐馆早上7点到11点供应早餐。 Wearrivedat thehoteland were servedwithchampagneandcanapés.我们到达宾馆后,宾馆提供了香槟和小吃。 Allrecipesin thisbook,unlessotherwisestated, will serve(= be enough for)four to fivepeople.本书里的所有食谱,除了特别标明的,都可供4至5人享用。 [+ obj + adj]Serve thepiewarmwithicecreamorwhippedcream.趁热上果馅糕点,配上冰淇凌或掼奶油。 - Bothrecipesserve foureasily.
- They serveprettydecentfoodin thecafeteria.
- They didn'tevenservewineatdinner.
- I usually servedessertwithcoffee.
- Breakfast is served in thediningroomfrom 8.30–10.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesProviding & serving meals - cakeage
- cater
- catering
- dish
- dish(something)up
- dishsomethingout
- gourmet
- ladle
- place
- plate
- platesomethingup
- provision
- replate
- rustle
- rustlesomethingup
- table
- wait
- wait at table(s)idiom
- wait onsomeone/something
- whipsomethingup
See more results » serveverb(WORK)C1[IorT]toworkfor; to doyourdutyto: (为…)工作;(为…)服务;尽职责 He servedinthearmyfor 22years.他服了22年兵役。 She has servedonthecommitteefor the last 15years.15年来,她一直在该委员会任职。 He servedunderRonald Reagan asSecretaryofState.他在罗纳德‧里根手下担任国务卿。 - He served for eightyearsasSpeakerof theHouseofRepresentatives.
- Policeofficersaren't usuallyallowedto be serve on ajury.
- Panellists on theArtsReview Board serve for amaximumof threeyears.
- Apoliceofficeris there toenforcethelawas well as to serve thelocalcommunity.
- A minister'sprimaryobligationis to serve thepublic.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesApplying for a job - acquihire
- advertisement
- anoint
- anointed
- applicant
- assign
- elect
- get in
- go intosomething
- golden hello
- goonda
- handpicked
- nomination
- referee
- relocation expenses
- resume
- retain
- rope
- self-constituted
- testimonial
See more results » serveverb(HELP ACHIEVE)C1[IorT]tohelpachievesomething or to beusefulas something: 有助于实现;(对…)有用 Anofficialinvestigationwould not serve anyusefulpurpose.正式调查不会达到什么有益的成效。 Thejudgesaid that thefinewould serveasawarningto otherdrivers.法官说此次罚款对其他司机会是一种警告。 In theabsenceof anythingbetterthesetteecould serveasabedfor acoupleofnights.如果没有更好的选择,长沙发可以当几天床用。 [+ to infinitive]Nothing servestoexplaintheviolentfightingwe haveseenrecently.什么都无法解释我们最近所目睹的暴力斗殴。 old-fashionedMyumbrellawill serveforaweapon.我的伞可以当武器用。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesuseless - uselessWe have cleared out carloads of useless junk.
- no useMoney is no use if it's just sitting there.
- serve no purposeSuch warnings serve no purpose other than to scare the public.
- pointlessShe sees cleaning as a pointless exercise since everything is going to get dirty again.
- worthlessThe majority of objects in the exhibition are worthless junk.
See more results » [IorT]mainlyUSIf something serves you, it is good orhelpfulfor you: Ifyourangerdoesn't serve you,letit go. You'regrowingandchanging, soyour"stickwith it"mottomay not be serving you well. - She has a veryforcefulpersonalitywhich will serve her well inpolitics.
- Tougherprisonsentencesmay serve as adeterrentto otherwould-beoffenders.
- Thesparebedroomalso serves as anoffice.
- Do theexercisesserve anyusefulpurpose?
- Themuseumserves as areminderof thisterribleepisodeinrecenthistory.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPerforming a function - act
- act assomething
- function
- function assomething/someone
- functionalist
- high-performance
- janitorial
- make
- man
- multifunctional
- on
- on itidiom
- operate
- operation
- purpose
- taken
- work
- work a treatidiom
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: serveverb(PROVIDE STH NECESSARY)[T]toprovidewith something that isneeded: 为…提供所需物品,供应 Thereportsays thepoliceare out oftouchwith thecommunitiesthat they serve.这份报告指出,警方对他们所服务的社区毫不了解。 - Heraklionairportserves theeasternresorts.
- This onecompanyserves theentireWestcoast.
- Therailnetworkserves thesoutheastof thecountry.
- Thesepostofficesserve theneedsof thelocalcommunities.
- Hydro-power serves the mostisolatedcommunitiesinScotland.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGiving, providing and supplying - accommodate
- accord
- administer
- administration
- assignment
- award
- dish
- hand off
- handsomethingin
- handsomethingout
- handsomethingover
- handsomethinground
- invest
- passing
- reassignment
- rebid
- regift
- reprovision
- resource
- spare
See more results » serveverb(DEAL WITH CUSTOMER)B1[T]in ashop,restaurant, orhotel, todealwith acustomerby takingtheirorder,showingorsellingthemgoods, etc.: 接待;招待;为…服务 UKAre you being served,madam?女士,有服务员招待您吗? USHave you been served, ma'am?女士,有服务员招待过您了吗? That's therestaurantwhere theyrefusedto serveJohnbecause he was sorude.就是那家餐馆拒绝接待约翰,因为他太粗鲁。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSelling - auction
- Black Friday
- bundle
- bundling
- chain of production
- concession
- outsell
- oversell
- panic selling
- peddle
- pile
- pile it high and sell it cheapidiom
- ply
- sales drive
- salesmanship
- sell out
- sellsomethingoff
- sellout
- soft sell
- sting
See more results » serveverb(SPEND TIME)C2[T]tospendaperiodoftimedoing something: 花费,度过(一段时间) He served fouryearsinprisonforrobbery.他因抢劫坐了4年牢。 After he'd served hisapprenticeshiphe set up his ownbusiness.他学徒期满后自立门户。 serve time tospendtimeinprison: 服刑;蹲监狱He's servingtimefordrugoffences.他因毒品犯罪正在服刑。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSpending time & time passing - all the time in the worldidiom
- Anno Domini
- elapse
- employ
- fall
- fall away
- kill
- kill time, an hour, etc.idiom
- pass
- roll
- roll by
- run out
- slip
- the sands of time are running outidiom
- time is onsomeone'ssideidiom
- time's a great healeridiom
- timekeeper
- wear
- wear on
- whilesomethingaway
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: serveverb(HIT BALL)[IorT]insportssuch astennis, tohittheballto the otherplayeras a way ofstartingthegame: (在网球等体育运动中)发(球) Whoseturnis it to serve?轮到谁发球了? That's the thirdaceyou've served thisgame.那是你在这局比赛中第3次发球得分。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTennis & racket sports - advantage
- backhand
- ball boy
- ball girl
- baseline
- bird
- break
- break point
- code violation
- court
- double
- double fault
- groundstroke
- lob
- overhead
- squash
- sweet spot
- tramlines
- unseeded
- volley
See more results » serveverb(GIVE DOCUMENT)[T]lawspecializedto give alegaldocumentto someone,demandingthat they go to alawcourtor that theyobeyanorder: 将…正式送达 Less than twoweeksago GoughfinallyservedawritonSlater,claimingdamagesforallegedlossofroyalties.不到两个星期以前,高夫终于将传票送达给斯莱特,要求对其所涉及的版税损失作出赔偿。 Eachpersonservedwithasummonswill be given sixweeksbefore they have toappearin the Magistrates'Court.每一个收到传票的人在地方法院出庭之前都有6个星期的时间。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTaking legal action - abatement order
- ambulance-chasing
- appear forsomeone
- bring
- cease
- court martial
- indictment
- instruct
- litigate
- litigation
- litigious
- litigiousness
- locus standi
- petitioner
- prosecution
- prosecutorial
- reindict
- reindictment
- retry
- summons
See more results » Idiomsif my memory serves me right servesomeoneright Phrasal verbsserve out servesomethingout servesomethingup serve(something)up insportssuch astennis, theactofhittingtheballto the otherplayertostartplay: (在网球等体育运动中)发(球)It'syourserve.该你发球了。 MurraybrokeFederer's serve(= hewonagamein which Federerhittheballfirst).穆雷破了费德勒的发球局。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTennis & racket sports - advantage
- backhand
- ball boy
- ball girl
- baseline
- bird
- break
- break point
- code violation
- court
- double
- double fault
- groundstroke
- lob
- overhead
- squash
- sweet spot
- tramlines
- unseeded
- volley
See more results » (Definition ofservefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)serveverb(PROVIDE FOOD/DRINK)A2[IorT]toprovidefoodordrinks 提供(食物或饮料)Do they servemealsin thebar?这家酒吧提供饭菜吗? Breakfast is served in therestaurantbetween 7.00 and 11.00.餐馆早上7点到11点供应早餐。 Wearrivedat thehoteland were servedwithchampagneandcanapés.我们到达宾馆后,宾馆提供了香槟和小吃。 Allrecipesin thisbook,unlessotherwisestated, will serve(= be enough for)four to fivepeople.本书里的所有食谱,除了特别标明的,都可供4至5人享用。 [+ obj + adj]Serve thepiewarmwithicecreamorwhippedcream.趁热上果馅糕点,配上冰淇凌或掼奶油。 - Bothrecipesserve foureasily.
- They serveprettydecentfoodin thecafeteria.
- They didn'tevenservewineatdinner.
- I usually servedessertwithcoffee.
- Breakfast is served in thediningroomfrom 8.30–10.
serveverb(WORK)C1[IorT]toworkfor; to doyourdutyto (为…)工作;(为…)服务;尽职责He servedinthearmyfor 22years.他服了22年兵役。 She has servedonthecommitteefor the last 15years.15年来,她一直在该委员会任职。 He servedunderRonald Reagan asSecretaryof State.他在罗纳德‧里根手下担任国务卿。 - He served for eightyearsasSpeakerof the House of Representatives.
- Policeofficersaren't usuallyallowedto be serve on ajury.
- Panellists on the Arts Review Board serve for amaximumof threeyears.
- Apoliceofficeris there toenforcethelawas well as to serve thelocalcommunity.
- A minister'sprimaryobligationis to serve thepublic.
serveverb(HELP ACHIEVE)C1[IorT]tohelpachievesomething or to beusefulas something 有助于实现;(对…)有用Anofficialinvestigationwould not serve anyusefulpurpose.正式调查不会达到什么有益的成效。 Thejudgesaid that thefinewould serveasawarningto otherdrivers.法官说此次罚款对其他司机会是一种警告。 In theabsenceof anythingbetterthesetteecould serveasabedfor acoupleofnights.如果没有更好的选择,长沙发可以当几天床用。 [+ to infinitive]Nothing servestoexplaintheviolentfightingwe haveseenrecently.什么都无法解释我们最近所目睹的暴力斗殴。 old-fashionedMyumbrellawill serveforaweapon.我的伞可以当武器用。 - She has a veryforcefulpersonalitywhich will serve her well inpolitics.
- Tougherprisonsentencesmay serve as adeterrentto otherwould-beoffenders.
- Thesparebedroomalso serves as anoffice.
- Do theexercisesserve anyusefulpurpose?
- Themuseumserves as areminderof thisterribleepisodeinrecenthistory.
serveverb(PROVIDE STH NECESSARY)[T]toprovidewith something that isneeded 为…提供所需物品,供应Thereportsays thepoliceare out oftouchwith thecommunitiesthat they serve.这份报告指出,警方对他们所服务的社区毫不了解。 - Heraklionairportserves theeasternresorts.
- This onecompanyserves theentireWestcoast.
- Therailnetworkserves thesoutheastof thecountry.
- Thesepostofficesserve theneedsof thelocalcommunities.
- Hydro-power serves the mostisolatedcommunitiesinScotland.
serveverb(DEAL WITH CUSTOMER)B1[T]in ashop,restaurant, orhotel, todealwith acustomerby takingtheirorder,showingorsellingthemgoods, etc. 接待;招待;为…服务UKAre you being served,madam?女士,有服务员招待您吗? USHave you been served, ma'am?女士,有服务员招待过您了吗? That's therestaurantwhere theyrefusedto serve John because he was sorude.就是那家餐馆拒绝接待约翰,因为他太粗鲁。 serveverb(SPEND TIME)C2[T]tospendaperiodoftimedoing something 花费,度过(一段时间)He served fouryearsinprisonforrobbery.他因抢劫坐了4年牢。 After he'd served hisapprenticeshiphe set up his ownbusiness.他学徒期满后自立门户。 serve time 服刑;蹲监狱He's servingtimefordrugoffences.他因毒品犯罪正在服刑。 serveverb(HIT BALL)[IorT]insportssuch astennis, tohittheballto the otherplayeras a way ofstartingthegame (在网球等体育运动中)发(球)Whoseturnis it to serve?轮到谁发球了? That's the thirdaceyou've served thisgame.那是你在这局比赛中第3次发球得分。 serveverb(GIVE DOCUMENT)[T]lawspecializedto give alegaldocumentto someone,demandingthat they go to alawcourtor that theyobeyanorder 将…正式送达Less than twoweeksago GoughfinallyservedawritonSlater,claimingdamagesforallegedlossofroyalties.不到两个星期以前,高夫终于将传票送达给斯莱特,要求对其所涉及的版税损失作出赔偿。 Eachpersonservedwithasummonswill be given sixweeksbefore they have toappearin the Magistrates'Court.每一个收到传票的人在地方法院出庭之前都有6个星期的时间。 Idiomsif my memory serves me right servesbright Phrasal verbsserve out servesthout servesthup serve(sth)up insportssuch astennis, theactofhittingtheballto the otherplayertostartplay (在网球等体育运动中)发(球)It'syourserve.该你发球了。 MurraybrokeFederer's serve(= hewonagamein which Federerhittheballfirst).穆雷破了费德勒的发球局。 serve| American Dictionaryserveverb(HELP)[I/T](esp. of apersonworkingin arestaurantorstore) tohelpacustomerby getting what someoneneedsor byshowingorsellinggoods, or toprovidefoodordrinksto acustomerorguest: [T]We’ve been in therestaurantforhalfanhourand we’re stillwaitingto be served. [T]Breakfast is served between seven and nine everymorning. [I/T]We’ll bereadyto serve (lunch)soon. [I/T]To serve is also toprovideanareaorgroupofpeoplewith something that isneeded: [T]Aslongas I amyourrepresentative, I willcontinueto serve theneedsof thiscommunity. serveverb(WORK)[I/T]toworkfor, or tocarryoutyourduty: [I]He served in the US Navy for twelveyears. [T]Ifmemoryserves meright(= If I amrememberingcorrectly), I was 13 at thetime. serveverb(SPEND TIME)[T]tospendaperiodoftimein ajoboractivity: He served threetermsin thesenate. serveverb(HELP ACHIEVE)[I/T]tohelpachievesomething, or to beusefulas something: [+ to infinitive]Tougherprisonsentences, he said, will serve todetercrime. [I]Thesofacan serve as(= be used as)abedfor acoupleofnights. serveverb(HIT BALL)[I/T](intennisand othersports) tohittheballto the otherplayerorteamas a way ofstartingplay Phrasal verbsserve outsomething serve upsomething servenoun[C](HITTING BALL)(intennisand othersports) theactofhittingtheballto the otherplayerorteamtostartplay: (Definition ofservefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)[T]toprovidepeopleor aplacewithproductsorservicesor something that isneeded: servecustomers/clients There is a new24-hourbusthat serves theairport. [IorT]tohelpachievesomething or to beusefulas something: serve to do sthThe newproceduresserve tostopeconomicgrowth. Thephoneapplicationneedstoserve apurpose. [T]COMMERCEin ashop,restaurant, orhotel, todealwith acustomerby takingtheirorder,showingorsellingthemgoods, etc.: Shespendsalldayon theshopfloorservingcustomers. Are you being served? [IorT]toprovidefoodordrinks: He was serveddinnerin hisroom. Breakfast is served between 7 and 9. [IorT]tospendtimedoing ajob,trainingfor ajob, or having aresponsibility: serve as sthHebecameacitycommissionerand went on to serve asmayor. Afterserving anapprenticeshipwith hisfather, hereceivedascholarshiptostudyin Italy. [T]LAWto give alegaldocumentto someone,demandingthat they go to acourtoflawor that theyobeyanorder: Thepensiontrusteesserved awritlastFridayin New York. serve sb with sthShe was served with asummonstocourt. (Definition ofservefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofserveserve This evidence suggests that planning and control eachservea specialized purpose utilizing distinct visual representations.From theCambridge English Corpus The possibility remains, however, that the pamphlet was not used in performance but served a purely symbolic purpose.From theCambridge English Corpus And finally, what purposes (psychological, social, cultural) does such canon formationserve?From theCambridge English Corpus The teachers, as working women who were active in civic affairs, served as role models to the pupils.From theCambridge English Corpus It is not clear how dynamical systemsserveas a psychological explanation as opposed to a complex description of behavior.From theCambridge English Corpus When the server starts up, it parses the configuration file, and if there are no errors found, immediately starts serving requests.From theCambridge English Corpus Often, the legal system (and/or its functionaries) serves as a barrier to any proper resolution of the questions surrounding the narrative and plot structure.From theCambridge English Corpus The core of the material is presented in sufficient detail that the survey mayserveas a text for teaching constrained global optimization.From theCambridge English Corpus Our paper served to report about specific systems, a composition, and a performance.From theCambridge English Corpus The notion of "change over time" in dream content (from ancestral themes to current themes) is problematic because such change wouldserveno obvious function.From theCambridge English Corpus Along with fundoscopy, individual color spaces mayservefor monitoring early functional changes and thereby to support a treatment strategy.From theCambridge English Corpus In fact, the controlled laboratory events that served as the mnemonic targets of this investigation were relatively pedestrian.From theCambridge English Corpus This is a reasonable assumption because individual trees serving as parents are usually selected randomly from natural populations.From theCambridge English Corpus The differences in the contexts in which these vessels were used indicate that they varied in their suitability toservein social strategies.From theCambridge English Corpus The food is typically served only after any business, such as praying, is complete, and only then is there much conversation.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/serve## |