uk/ˈtʃʊ.rəʊ/us/ˈtʃʊ.roʊ/asnackorbreakfastfoodpopularin Spain andLatinAmerica, consisting of alongtubeofdough(= aflourandwatermixture)friedinhotfat,coveredinsugarand ofteneatenwith ahotchocolatesauce:
(在热油中煎炸而成,上面覆盖糖、通常与热巧克力酱一起食用的)西班牙油条;油炸面包棍(一种在西班牙和拉美流行的小吃或早餐食品)Dad made us churros andchocolateforbreakfast.爸爸给我们做了油炸面包棍和巧克力当早餐。

Ana Silva/EyeEm/GettyImages
- Here's how to make thechocolatefordunkingyourchurros.
- The churro is not something you are going tolookfor as ahealthfood.
- Anightout in Madrid wouldn't becompletewithout a post-clubbingbagof churros.
- These churrosstandssellfreshlyfrieddoughnutsat allhoursof thedayandnight.
Pancakes & batter
- batter
- bhaji
- blini
- crepe
- creperie
- crêpe Suzette
- flapjack
- fritter
- galette
- griddle cake
- hoecake
- johnnycake
- latke
- pakora
- pancake
- polenta
- toad-in-the-hole
- waffle
- Yorkshire pudding