adjective[before noun]
Interparticlegapsarepresentin allrocks.
Interparticlecollisionsshould be taken intoaccountwheninterpretingthedata.
- Thewavelengthassociatedwith theplasmaparticlesiscomparableto the interparticlespacing.
- Theparticleswerecloselyarrayedwith arelativelyuniforminterparticledistance.
- The interparticlepotentialenergyisgreaterthan thethermalkineticenergyof theplasma.
- Thesoilmayregainsomestrength, with interparticlebondsformingat thecontactpoints.
Physics: atoms, molecules & sub-atomic particles
- acceptor
- anion
- anti-radical
- antilepton
- antimatter
- antineutrino
- elementary particle
- hydroxyl ion
- interatomic
- interelectronic
- interionic
- intermolecular
- intermolecularly
- isotope
- neutrino
- non-molecular
- nucleon
- nuclide
- orbital
- relative molecular mass