uk/ɪnˌtɜː.prəˈteɪ.ʃən/us/ɪnˌtɝː.prəˈteɪ.ʃən/interpretationnoun[C or U](EXPLANATION)
anexplanationoropinionof what somethingmeans:
解释,阐释;理解Thedisputeisbasedon twowidelydifferinginterpretations of thelaw.争论是源于对法律的两种截然不同的解释。
It isdifficultfor manypeopletoacceptaliteralinterpretation of theBible.很多人觉得难以接受对圣经的字面诠释。
- He would befoundguiltyunder astrictinterpretation of thelaw.
- We weredisappointedthat theyinsistedon such arigidinterpretation of therules.
- Thelawpermitsof no other interpretation.
- It wasregardedas a verynarrowinterpretation of thelaw.
- Theevidenceallowsof only one interpretation - he wasmurderedby hiswife.
Judgments and analyses
- analysis
- anatomy
- appraisal
- appraisee
- assessment
- construction
- counter-interpretation
- impact statement
- job evaluation
- judgment
- misanalysis
- misconstruction
- notice
- rap
- re-evaluation
- re-review
- restudy
- self-appraisal
- self-assessment
- study
interpretationnoun[C or U](WAY OF PERFORMING)
aparticularway ofperformingapieceofmusic, apartin aplay, etc.:
(音乐,戏剧角色等的)演绎;演出;表演Her interpretation of Juliet was one of thebestperformancesI haveeverseen.她演绎的朱丽叶是我所见到的最出色的表演之一。
Judgments and analyses
- analysis
- anatomy
- appraisal
- appraisee
- assessment
- construction
- counter-interpretation
- impact statement
- job evaluation
- judgment
- misanalysis
- misconstruction
- notice
- rap
- re-evaluation
- re-review
- restudy
- self-appraisal
- self-assessment
- study