adjective[before noun]
anatomyspecialized(alsointer-renal)uk/ˌɪn.təˈriː.nəl/us/ˌɪn.t̬ɚˈriː.nəl/between thekidneys(= the twosmallorgansthat take awaywastematterfrom thebloodtoproduceurine):
The interrenaltissueiscomposedof twotypesofcells.
- Interrenaltissuesurroundsthesmallerbranchesof thevein.
- The interrenalcellsof theadultfishreachtheirgreatestsizejust before thebreedingperiod.
- Earlierfindingsindicatethat the interrenaltissueisirregularlydistributedinfishandamphibians.
- Interrenalactivitymay beaffectedbybehaviouralinteractions.
Substances & structures in the body
- abductor
- accessorius
- adductor
- adenoid
- agonist
- gracilis
- grey matter
- groove
- gyrus
- hallucis
- papilla
- papillary
- parietal
- pecten
- pectineal
- vesical
- vesicle
- vestibular
- vestibule
- visceral muscle