abagorsoftcontainerfor asmallobjector asmallamountof something:
小袋;一小袋东西Allourelectricshaversaresuppliedwith afreetravelpouch.我们的电动剃须刀都免费提供一个旅行套。
Foodsealedinfoilpoucheslastsfor alongtime.密封在箔纸袋中的食物可以放很长时间。

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Bags in general
- bag for life
- bagful
- carry(something)on
- doggy bag
- feedbag
- gunnysack
- man bag
- nosebag
- packet
- party bag
- pencil case
- sack
- self-seal
- self-sealing
- shopper
- shopping trolley
- stuff sack
- trug
- wheelie bag
- Ziploc
pouchnoun[C](OF ANIMALS)
apocketon thelowerpartof thebodyof somefemaleanimalsin whichtheiryoungarecarriedandprotectedafter they areborn:
(某些雌性动物的)育儿袋Kangarooscarrytheiryoungin pouches.袋鼠将它们的幼崽放在育儿袋中。
abagformedfromskinin themouthsof someanimals, used forcarryingandstoringfood
(某些动物贮存食物的)喉囊,颊袋Miscellaneous animal body parts
- -tailed
- back end
- bobtail
- claw
- collar
- fetlock
- finny
- flipper
- fluke
- gill
- nipple
- pincer
- pouched
- prehensile
- sting
- teat
- tentacle
- underpart
- vesicle
- withers
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The head & neck of non-human animals