civil marriage
uk/ˌsɪv.əl ˈmær.ɪdʒ/us/ˌsɪv.əl ˈmer.ɪdʒ/alegallyrecognizedmarriagethattakesplacewithout areligiousceremony:
(没有宗教仪式、受法律承认的)民事婚姻,世俗婚姻,公证结婚Toconductacivilmarriage, you have to betrainedandlegallyappointed.要主持公证结婚,你必须经过培训并依法获得指派。
He co-sponsored abilltoallowgaycouplesto havecivilmarriages.他联合他人发起一项法案,允许同性伴侣有公证结婚的权利。
- The Netherlands' newmarriagelaweliminatesthedefinitionof "marriage" as aunionbetween a man and a woman,effectivelylegalizingcivilmarriagebetweensame-sexDutchcouples.
- "Civilmarriagesare acivilright," she said in Philadelphia.
- Therulingsaid thatmarriagelaws"must bereadandappliedin agender-neutralmannerso as topermitsame-sexcouplestoenterinto acivilmarriage".
- Heinsistsondrawingasharplinebetweenreligiousmarriageandcivilmarriage.
Marriage, cohabitation & other relationships
- adulteress
- affinal
- as husband and wifeidiom
- be an itemidiom
- be shacked upidiom
- hitched
- honest
- husband
- intermarriage
- intermarry
- monogamous
- monogamy
- morganatic
- ménage à trois
- non-marital
- shack
- shack up
- something
- together
- trouble and strifeidiom