to have or own something, or to have aparticularquality:
拥有;具有I don't possess asingleDVD(= I don't haveevenoneDVD).我一张DVD光盘都没有。
In the past therootof thisplantwasthoughtto possessmagicalpowers.过去这种植物的根被认为具有神奇的力量。
- We'retryingtobringout theartistictalentsthat manypeoplepossess withoutrealizingit.
- She had alreadysoldeverything ofvaluethat she possessed.
- Ruth possessedgreatwritingskills.
- He waschargedwith possessing afakepassport.
- "I'marrestingyou onsuspicionofillegallypossessingdrugs, " said thepoliceofficer.
Having and owning - general words
- acquire
- acquisition
- attachsomethingtosomething
- be endowed withsomethingidiom
- bear
- bearer
- carry
- claim
- holder
- lay
- lord/master/mistress/king/queen of allyousurveyidiom
- makesomething(all)yourownidiom
- mistress
- not/never want for anythingidiom
- revert tosomething
- shared ownership
- stakesomethingout
- survey
- they've
- want
(of awishor anidea) to takecontrolover a person'smind, making thatpersonbehavein a verystrangeway:
(欲望或想法)影响,控制,支配[+ to infinitive]Whatever possessed himtowearthatappallingjacket!他中了什么邪竟穿了那件怪异的夹克衫!
Controlling and being in charge
- aggrandize
- assume
- assumption
- authoritative
- authoritatively
- commanding
- dictate
- guiding principle
- harness
- have (got)someoneby the short and curliesidiom
- havesomeoneby the ballsidiom
- havesomeoneeating out ofyourhandidiom
- helm
- override
- plenipotentiary
- police
- policing
- power play
- predominate
- skipper