civil year
uk/ˈsɪv.əl ˌjɪər/us/ˈsɪv.əl ˌjɪr/aperiodof around 365daysused formeasuringnormalorhistoricaltime, which inoursystembeginson 1Januaryandendson 31December:
世俗年(1月1日开始到12月31日结束)ThepresentJewishcalendarconsists of twobasictypesofyears, thesacredorreligiousyearand thecivilyear.现在的犹太历由两种基本类型的年组成,即神圣年或称宗教年和世俗年。
academic year
calendar year
financial year
liturgical year
tax year
- Thehistoricalyearbeginson 1January, andthuscoincideswith theRomancivilyear, which waswidelyused until at least the seventhcentury.
- Nisan Abib is the seventhmonthof themodernJewishcivilyear.
- The firstdayof the seventhmoonwas mostsolemnof all for the Hindus, being not only the first of themoon, but of thecivilyear.
- Thecivilyearwasdividedinto threeconventional"seasons" - calledtimeofinundation,sowingtime, andharvesttime.
Years & yearly
- academic year
- ad
- Anno Domini
- annual
- annually
- bicentenary
- bissextile
- calendar year
- CE
- centenary
- fiscal year
- interannual
- leap year
- liturgical year
- tercentenary
- the Gregorian calendar
- year
- year end
- year-around
- year-round