a writtentextthat can bepublishedinprintedorelectronicform:
(纸版或电子版的)书Have youreadany good booksrecently?你最近读到了什么好书吗?
He has a new book out(=published).他刚出版了一本新书。
Shewrotea bookoncarmaintenance.她写了一本关于汽车保养的书。

a set ofpagesthat have beenfastenedtogether inside acoverto bereador written in:
I took a book with me toreadon theplane.我随身带了本书在飞机上看。
He writes all hisexpensesin a little book hecarrieswith him.他把所有的开销都记在随身带着的一个小本子上。

Nehru Sulejmanovski/EyeEm/GettyImages
one of thepartsthat a verylongbook, such as theBible, isdividedinto:
(《圣约》等长篇作品的)卷;篇;部the book of Job《约伯记》
- We'rereadinga different book thisweek.
- In the last twoyearsthe book has onlysold200copies.
- Shepublisheda book ofpoemsandfollowedit up with anovel.
- I have toreturnmylibrarybooks on the sixth ofJuly.
- He's theauthorof severalhugelysuccessfulchildren's books .
Pieces of writing
- acrostic
- annotation
- biographic
- blog post
- Chyron
- creative writing
- cutting
- draft
- inscription
- lament
- microblog
- mistranscription
- multi-line
- palimpsest
- para
- preamble
- scribble
- script
- self-portrait
- squiggle
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Books & parts of books
booknoun(IN COVER)
anumberof onetypeof thingfastenedtogetherflatinside acover:
簿册;(装订成册的)票据簿a bookofstamps/tickets/matches一封邮票/一本票据/一纸板火柴
Groups and collections of things
- agglomeration
- Aladdin's cave
- anthology
- assemblage
- bank
- basket
- bob
- empty set
- ensemble
- family
- feast
- generation
- glory box
- package
- permutation
- pool
- selection
- sheaf
- sheaves
- starter pack
booknoun(MONEY RECORD)
the writtenrecordsofmoneythat abusinesshasspentorreceived:
(公司、商行的)账册,账簿At the end of theyear, theaccountantgoes over(=checks)thebooks.年终时会计要复核公司的账册。
thesituationin which abookmakeracceptsandpaysoutamountsofmoneythat areriskedon aparticularresult:
赌局;打赌They've alreadyopened/starteda bookontheresultof the nextWorldCup.他们已经就下届世界杯赛的结果开设了赌局。
Gambling & bookmaking
- a/the bookmaker'sphrase
- ante
- anti-gambling
- bank
- bet
- blackjack
- casino
- chip
- co-favourite
- cockfight
- favourite
- poker machine
- punt
- raffle
- slot machine
- stakesomethingonsomething
- sweepstake
- toss up
- trifecta
- turf accountant
by the book
insomeone'sgood/bad books
off the books
on the books
one for the books
toarrangeto have aseat,room,performer, etc. at aparticulartimein thefuture:
预订;预约[+ two objects]I've booked us twoticketstosee"Carmen"/I've booked twoticketsforus tosee"Carmen".我已经为我们订了两张《卡门》的票。
She'd booked atableforfour attheirfavouriterestaurant.她已在他们最喜欢的餐厅预订了四人桌。
Will booked aseaton theeveningflightto Los Angeles.威尔预订了飞往洛杉矶的晚班客机的座位。
We wereadvisedto book early if wewantedto get aroom.有人建议我们若想有房间住就早点预订。
They booked ajazzbandfortheirwedding.他们为婚礼预约了一个爵士乐队。
Thehotel/restaurant/theatreisfullybooked(up)(= all therooms/tables/ticketshave been taken).旅馆/饭店/剧院已预订满了。
I'd like to go but I'm bookedup(= I havearrangedto do other things)until theweekend.我很想去,但我周末之前的时间已排满了。
- I've booked thecarinto thegarage.
- I've booked atableat therestaurantfor nine o'clock.
- He booked adoubleroom.
- We booked theholidayon awhim.
- It's a good thing that we bookedourticketsearly.
Making bookings & reservations
- book in/book intosomewhere
- booker
- booking
- double-book
- overbook
- pre-booked
- rebook
- reservation
- reserve
- ride-hailing
- season
- unreserved
- vacancy
bookverb(MAKE A RECORD)
If apoliceofficer,referee, etc. books someone, they write down the person'snamein anofficialrecordbecause they have done somethingwrong:
(警方)将…记录在案;(裁判)记名警告Afootballplayerwho is bookedtwicein agameissentoff thefield.足球比赛中,球员若受到两次警告就会被罚下场。
Mygrandmotherwas bookedforspeedinglastweek.我奶奶上周因超速行驶被警方记录在案。
Arresting & charging
- apprehend
- apprehension
- arrest
- assist
- attach
- attachment
- bust
- busted
- collar
- fed
- handcuff
- handcuffs
- house arrest
- knock
- nail
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- post-arrest
- probable cause
- pull
Phrasal verbs
book in/book intosomewhere