mainlyUKinformaluk/puː/us/puː/(USusuallypoop,uk/puːp/us/puːp/)(apieceof)solidwastefrom thebody:
屎,大便Ugh, itlookslike poo!啊,它看上去像大便!
Have youdonea poo, Ellie?埃莉,你大便了吗?
Animal physiology: excrement & its excretion
- accident
- anal fissure
- bathroom
- be caught/taken shortidiom
- bowel
- crap
- defecate
- doo-doo
- excrement
- excreta
- excrete
- excretion
- faeces
- go to the bathroomidiom
- motion
- movement
- pass
- poop
- shit
- stool
UKinformaluk/puː/us/puː/(USpoop,uk/puːp/us/puːp/)topasssolidwastefrom thebody:
Tenminutesafter we'dlefthome, Annaannouncedthat sheneededto poo.
Makesurethedogdoesn't pooeverywhere!
- Ifedmybabyhislunchand Iknowhetendsto pooshortlyaftereating.
- Theroboticpuppyis ascloseto beingrealas you can get, except it doesn't poo oreatexpensivefood.
- Youroldercatmay notwantto poooutsidebecause of thecoldweather.
Animal physiology: excrement & its excretion
- accident
- anal fissure
- bathroom
- be caught/taken shortidiom
- bowel
- crap
- defecate
- doo-doo
- excrement
- excreta
- excrete
- excretion
- faeces
- go to the bathroomidiom
- motion
- movement
- pass
- poop
- shit
- stool