Italian Mastiff
(alsoItalian mastiff)uk/ɪˌtæl.jən ˈmæs.tɪf/us/ɪˌtæl.jən ˈmæs.tɪf/atypeoflarge,powerfuldogwith alargeheadandshorthair, oftenkeptas aguarddog:
TheItalianMastiff issolid,strongand haspowerfulmusclesbut is still veryelegant.
Cane Corso
- TheItalianMastiff isconsideredto be one of thebestpersonalprotectiondogs.
- AdogbreederpurchasedtwoItalianmastiffsfor $300,eventhough they arewortharound $2,500.
- Italianmastiffsare agiantbreed,weighingup to 120pounds.
Canines (dogs)
- Afghan hound
- Alsatian
- American cocker spaniel
- basset hound
- beagle
- Dobermann
- dog
- doggie day care
- doggy
- doodle
- mastiff
- mongrel
- mutt
- Newfoundland
- oodle
- sniffer dog
- spaniel
- St Bernard
- terrier
- tracker dog