apersonbornduring theperiodbetweenapproximately1945 and 1965followingthe SecondWorldWar, when there was ababyboom(= alargeincreasein thenumberofbabiesborn), also used to refer to anolderpersoningeneral:
Many boomers are in apositiontoafforda second or thirdhome.
Largenumbersof boomers aresufferingfromhypertension, butfollowingthem will betheirkidsand grandkids.
baby boomer
Generation X
Generation Y
OK boomerhumorous
a phrase used forreplyingto something said, usually by anolderperson, thatsuggeststhere is no usearguingwith them because they do notknowwhat they aretalkingabout:
"Millennialsexpectlifeto be easy."—"OK boomer."
- Boomers who havefinishedpayingcollegetuitionarereadytospendmoneyontheirowntravels.
- She said she didn't need alecturefrom a boomer about herspendinghabits.
Describing age & birthdays
- age
- age group
- age limit
- aged
- babyboomer
- gone
- junior
- millennial
- nonagenarian
- octogenarian
- old
- on the right/wrong side of40, 50, etc.idiom
- ripe
- senior
- something
- spring chicken
- take years offsomeoneidiom
- teens
- this side ofsomethingidiom
- twenty-first
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Groups of people
Australian English
大雄袋鼠In this Australianversion,FatherChristmasrideson asleighpulledby sixwhiteboomers.
Names for the male & female of animals
- billy goat
- bitch
- boar
- buck
- bull
- bullock
- cob
- cock
- drake
- drone
- ewe
- gelding
- mare
- nanny goat
- sow
- stag
- stallion
- steer
- tigress
- tom