uk/dʒæb/us/dʒæb/-bb-[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]
topushorhitsomethingforcefullyandquickly, often with athinorsharpobject:
(用…)刺,戳,捅Thedoctorjabbed theneedleintothe dog'sleg.医生将针头扎入狗的腿中。
Watch out! Younearlyjabbed meintheeyewithyourumbrella!当心!你的雨伞快戳到我眼睛了!
He was jabbing afingerat(= towards)them andshoutingangrily.他用手指着他们,愤怒地又喊又叫。
to use aneedleandsyringe(=smalltube)to put aliquidsuch as adruginto a person'sbody:
By the end of May, we will have jabbed more than 10,000people.
Thanks to the goodfolkat Queens Medical Centre for jabbing me.
to makequickforcefulhitswithyourfist(=closedhand)whenboxing
tokickaballhard andquickly:
猛踢(球)He jabbed theballinto thenetin thefinalminuteof thegame.在比赛的最后时刻他一记劲射将球打入网窝。
Hitting and beating
- at-risk
- bangsomeoneup
- basher
- bashing
- battered
- brain
- bunch
- butt
- deck
- head-butt
- hell
- kick
- knock
- knocksomeone'sblock offidiom
- mess
- swing
- tansomeone'shideidiom
- wallop
- whop
- whup
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Medicines & drugs: administering drugs & medicines
Fighting sports
刺,戳,捅;猛击She gave me asharpjabintheribswith herelbowtostopme from saying any more.她用肘猛戳了一下我的胸口,不让我再说下去。
Theboxerwasflooredby apunishingleftjab.拳击手被一记凶狠的左刺拳击倒在地。
注射(同 injection)aflujab流感预防针
You'll need some jabs if you're going to Egypt.如果你去埃及,需要打一些防疫针。

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Fighting sports
- aikido
- all-in wrestling
- arm-wrestling
- bantamweight
- black belt
- feint
- foil
- full nelson
- grappler
- gumshield
- half nelson
- outfight
- prizefight
- prizefighter
- pugilist
- pugilistic
- punchbag
- southpaw
- wrestle
- wrestling
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Pushing and shoving
Medicine in different forms