theofficiallanguageof Cambodia:
高棉语(柬埔寨的官方语言)ShecallsherhomeSok Sabay, whichmeanshappinessin Khmer.她把自己的家称作Sok Sabay,在高棉语中是“幸福”的意思。
Then wetranslateit into Khmer.然后我们将其翻译成高棉语。
amemberof agroupofpeoplewholivemainlyin Cambodia and whospeakthe Khmerlanguage:
高棉人Alargenumberof Khmerlivehere.大量的高棉人生活在这里。
Theyencounteredandinteractedwith otherethnicgroups, such as the Cham and Khmer.他们与其他族裔群体相遇、交往,如占人和高棉人。
- Hislanguageskillsbroughthimworkas atranslatorof Khmer.
- In Khmer, thefamilynamecomes first, the givennamesecond.
- Along thevalleyof the Be River, there areisolatedcommunitiesof Khmer.
- Phnom Krom ispredominantlyVietnamese,althoughit is alsohometosubstantialnumbersof Khmers.
Language names
- Albanian
- American English
- Amharic
- Angrezi
- Aramaic
- Ebonics
- Filipino
- Finno-Ugric
- Flemish
- Georgian
- Greenlandic
- Gujarati
- Manx
- Mongolian
- Montenegrin
- Nauruan
- Nepalese
- Nepali
- Romany
- Semitic
uk/kəˈmeər/us/kəˈmer/belongingorrelatingto the Khmerpeopleorlanguage:
高棉人的;高棉语的Alargepartof Thailand is stillethnicallyKhmer.泰国大部分地区仍然属于高棉族。
Sleng is one of the few Khmer words Iknow.Sleng是我知道的少数几个高棉语单词之一。
agroupof Khmerdancers一群高棉舞者
- Ilearnta lot about Khmercookery.
- Thetempleis one of thebestexamplesof Khmerarchitectureon the Delta.
- Ca Mau is a Khmer word whichmeans"blackwater".
- NorthernKhmer is adialectof the Khmerlanguageof Cambodia.
Language names
- Albanian
- American English
- Amharic
- Angrezi
- Aramaic
- Ebonics
- Filipino
- Finno-Ugric
- Flemish
- Georgian
- Greenlandic
- Gujarati
- Manx
- Mongolian
- Montenegrin
- Nauruan
- Nepalese
- Nepali
- Romany
- Semitic