USuk/ˈkɪk.bɔːd/us/ˈkɪk.bɔːrd/(UKfloat)alightflatobjectthatfloatsonwaterand that youholdonto whenlearningtoswim, or when youwanttoswimusing onlyyourlegs, or onlyyourarms:
(练习游泳时用的)踢水板Megan is five and uses a kickboard during herswimminglesson.梅根五岁,在游泳课上使用踢水板。
Toexerciseyourlowerbody,holda kickboard so that for a fewlengthsyou are using onlyyourlegs.为了锻炼下肢,你抓住踢水板,这样在一定距离内你只能用腿。

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- For a fewweeksafter thesurgery, Phelps wasconfinedtokickingin thepoolwith a kickboard.
- Shesufferedaslightconcussionwhen another swimmer's kickboardstruckher above theeye.
- Toworkyourarms,holdthe kickboard betweenyourfeet.
Staying afloat, capsizing & sinking
- bail out
- buoy
- buoyancy
- buoyant
- buoyantly
- capsize
- ducking
- float
- floatation
- flotation
- founder
- ground
- keel over
- outrigger
- refloat
- resurface
- ride
- ridesomethingout
- sunken
- waterlogged