adjective[after verb]
心领神会的;熟悉的A goodnursehas to be attunedtotheneedsof his or herpatients.一名优秀的护士应该对其病人的需求心领神会。
Politicians must behighlyattunedtothesedangers.政治家必须非常熟悉这些危险。
Teenageslangis ofinteresttosociallyattunedlinguists.擅长社会研究的语言学家对青少年俚语很感兴趣。
(对特定声音)敏感的,反应灵敏的A mother'searsare attunedtoeventheslightestvariationin her baby'sbreathing.母亲对宝宝的呼吸声中哪怕是最细微的变化,都能敏锐地察觉出来。
You willunderstandtheaccentbetterasyourearsbecomemore attuned.
Empathy and sensitivity
- commune
- communicate
- communion
- compathy
- emotional intelligence
- empath
- identify
- identify withsomeone
- put
- putyourselfinsomeone'splace/position/shoesidiom
- rapport
- relate tosomeone/something
- self-discovery
- sensitive
- sensitiveness
- sympathetically
- sympathize
- theory of mind
- understand
- understanding
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Adapting and attuning to something