A2[U](formalpopular music)
modernpopularmusic, usually with astrongbeat,createdwithelectricalorelectronicequipment, andeasytolistento andremember:
a popconcert/song流行音乐会/歌曲
What do youwanttolistento -jazz,classical, or pop?你想听什么——爵士乐、古典音乐还是流行音乐?
ThesongreachedNo. 32 in the popcharts.这首歌升到了流行音乐排行榜的第32位。
Shewantsto be a popsinger/starlikeLadyGaga.她想成为一名像女神卡卡那样的流行歌手/歌星。
- Do youpreferclassicalmusiclike Mozart and Mahler, or pop?
- She's the mostexcitingBritishsingertoemergeon the popscenefor adecade.
- a popfestival
- Thebreak-upof the popgroupcame as nosurprise.
- There was a popquizinhistoryatschooltoday.
Pop, rock & soul
- agit-pop
- anti-rock
- backing dancer
- backing singer
- backspin
- disc jockey
- DJ
- drill
- drum and bass
- electronica
- emo
- jukebox
- lyrically
- mod
- Motown
- New Age music
- pop group
- sampler
- trap music
- trip-hop
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Types of music
ashort,sharpsoundlike somethingexploding:
发出砰的一声Ihearda pop and thelightswent out.我听到砰的一声,灯就灭了。
Sounds made by objects, movement or impact
- babble
- blaze
- bong
- chuff
- clatter
- click away
- clicker
- clinking
- clunk
- crump
- growl
- gunshot
- hiss
- jangling
- plunk
- scrunch
- sonic boom
- tick
- white noise
- whoosh
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Exploding and erupting
爸爸[as form of address]Hey Pop, can I do anything tohelp?嘿,爸,我能帮什么忙吗?
Family: informal names
- baba
- bro
- bruv
- bubba
- dad
- granda
- grandad
- grandaddy
- grandma
- grandpa
- mammy
- mater
- mom
- momma
- mommy
- mummy
- papa
- pater
- rellie
- sis
asweetfizzydrink(= withbubbles), usually with afruitflavour:
(通常有果味的)汽水abottleof pop一瓶汽水

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Soft drinks
- apple juice
- Arnold Palmer
- barley water
- bitter lemon
- boba
- boba tea
- cream soda
- dalgona coffee
- egg cream
- energy drink
- frappé
- malt
- milkshake
- near beer
- non-alcoholic
- noncola
- slimline
- soda
- soda fountain
- soft drink
take a pop atsomeoneUKinformal
(尤指当众)批评(某人),指责(某人)She neverexpectedanyone from her ownfamilyto take a pop at her.她从未料到自己的家人会当众指责她。
Disapproving & criticizing
- anathematize
- animadversion
- aspersion
- assail
- aw
- backbite
- boo
- criticism
- deprecate
- dim
- niggle
- nitpick
- opprobrious
- peanut gallery
- people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stonesidiom
- personalization
- personalize
- philippic
- sarky
- tear
[Cusually singular]USinformal
eachparticularoccasionorobjectin aseries:
(一系列事情中的)一次,一项She giveslecturesand getspaid$5,000apop.她做系列讲座,每次报酬5000美元。
Linguistics: both, all, each & every
- A, a
- all
- all roundphrase
- any
- apiece
- both
- each
- either
- every
- every minuteidiom
- pan
- per
- strength
- the
- throw
- to
- whole
something such as acolourthatlooksverybrightandnoticeablenext to somethingelse:
明亮而吸睛的颜色或物品Lastseasonwas all aboutsmallpops ofcolour: aturquoiseshoe, anemeraldbag, or aslashofscarletlipstick.上一季流行的是色彩明亮抓人眼球的小件:一只松石绿色的鞋、一个祖母绿色的包或一抹猩红色的唇膏。
The qualities of colour
- brightly
- brightness
- colourful
- colourfully
- darken
- darkness
- flamboyance
- fluorescent
- garish
- harsh
- lurid
- non-fluorescent
- non-yellowing
- prismatic
- psychedelic
- pure
- riot
- violent
- vivid
- vividness
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Being and appearing different
go pop
B2[I+ adv/prep]mainlyUKinformal
to go to aparticularplace:
去I've just got to popintothebankto get somemoney.我刚去银行取了些钱。
Paula poppedoutfor aminute.葆拉出去了一会儿。
Would you popupstairsandseeif Grandad isokay?你能上楼去看看爷爷怎么样了吗?
Why don't you popin/overandseeus thisafternoon?你为什么不今天下午过来看看我们呢?
- I popped into theshopon the wayhomefromworkto get somemilk.
- Can you pop into thepostofficefor me?
- Jackie's just popped to thebankto get somecash.
- I'll pop over to Helen's toseeif we canborrowapillow.
- We'll pop in andseeyoulater.
- attraction
- beard the lion (inhis/herden)idiom
- been
- call
- call (in) onsomeone
- call by
- come round
- exchange
- happen along/by(somewhere)
- haunt
- homestay
- house-to-house
- look around(somewhere/something)
- pay
- stop
- stop by(somewhere)
- stop in
- stop offsomewhere
- stop over
- swing by/past(something)
to (causesomething to) make ashortexplosivesound, often bybreakingsomething:
(使)发出砰的一声;(使)爆开Thekidswere popping all thebirthdayballoons.孩子们把所有的生日气球都弄爆了。
Ifyourearspop, youexperienceastrangenoiseandfeelinginyourearsas aresultof asuddenchangeinairpressure:
(耳压)变化;耳膜胀痛Myearsalways pop as theplanecomes in toland.飞机降落时我的耳朵总是胀痛。
Exploding and erupting
- blast
- blow
- blow(someone/something)up
- blowout
- burst in onsomeone/something
- burst in/into(somewhere)
- detonate
- detonator
- erupt
- explosion
- explosive
- explosively
- explosiveness
- flame
- go off
- go popidiom
- go up
- implode
- setsomethingoff
- test-fire
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Sounds made by objects, movement or impact
The ear
[I+ adv/prep]
tomovequicklyandsuddenly,especiallyfrom aclosedspace:
(尤指从封闭的空间)爆开,弹出来When youopenthebox, aclownpopsout.你打开盒子时,一个小丑会弹出来。
Moving quickly
- agility
- beetle
- bowl down/alongsomething
- careen
- career
- gallop
- gun
- leg
- outsail
- pelt
- rush
- scamper
- scoot
- scrabble
- scramble
- scud
- shoot
- stampede
- ton
- trot
[T+ adv/prep]informal
to put or take somethingquickly:
迅速地拿;快速地放If you pop thepizzaintheovennow, it'll bereadyin 15minutes.如果你现在把比萨饼放在炉子里,15分钟就好了。
He popped hisheadintotheroom/aroundthedoorand said "Lunchtime!"他把头探进房间/从门后探出来说:“吃午饭了!”
Popyourshoesonand let's go.穿上鞋,我们走吧。
pop pillsinformal
to takepillsregularly,especiallyonescontaininganillegaldrug:
经常性服药;(尤指)服用违法药品,磕药Adecadeofheavydrinkingand poppingpillsruinedherhealth.10年来的酗酒和滥用药物毁了她的健康。
Placing and positioning an object
- -based
- appose
- around
- changesomethingaround
- circle
- consign
- install
- lie
- pile(something)up
- plant
- redeposit
- reinstall
- reinstallation
- relocate
- reorientate
- spread
- stick
- superimpose
- transpose
- transposition
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Drugs - general words
迅速地打开;迅速地放开Thetaxidriversaid that hestoppedimmediatelyand popped thetrunk.出租汽车司机说他立刻停了车并把后备箱打开。
Unfastening and opening
- breaker
- gape
- let/setsomethinglooseidiom
- loose
- loosen
- loosenyourgripidiom
- shut(someone)up
- steam
- tease
- teasesomethingout
- the earth/ground/floor opensidiom
- unbuckle
- unbutton
- unfold
- unlace
- unlock
- unpick
- unplug
- unroll
- unzip
to be verynoticeableandbright,especiallywhenseennext to something of a differentcolour:
(因颜色鲜亮而)引人注目Splashes ofyellow,blue,pink, andorangepop against ablackbackground.黑色背景上泼洒的黄色、蓝色、粉色和橙色格外醒目。
Being and appearing different
- anomalously
- another
- anti-conventional
- apple
- be a far cry fromsomethingidiom
- buck
- conflict
- depart fromsomething
- deviate
- differ
- differentiate
- diverge
- diversify
- fish
- flow
- othering
- polymorphous
- rebrand
- rebranding
- remove
youreyes pop out ofyourhead
pop the question
Phrasal verbs
pop off
pop up
adjective[before noun]
uk/pɒp/us/pɑːp/enjoyedby manypeopleandeasytounderstand:
流行的(许多人欣赏的且容易理解的)Dario Fo, thefamousItalianplaywright, is a pop Pirandello.达里奥‧福是著名的意大利剧作家,和皮兰德娄齐名,只是剧作较流行通俗。
"Silence of the Lambs" was pop movie-making atitsbest.《沉默的羔羊》是流行电影业的代表作品。
Liked, or not liked, by many people
- acquire
- an acquired tasteidiom
- anti-popular
- be the new rock and rollidiom
- be welcome toidiom
- cult
- high-traffic
- insomeone'sgood/bad booksidiom
- killer app
- limb
- lose
- lose groundphrase
- low-traffic
- Marmite
- rock and roll
- sought after
- top-rated
- trend
- unappreciated
- viral