liked,enjoyed, orsupportedby manypeople:
受大众喜爱的,受欢迎的She's the most popularteacherinschool.她是学校里最受欢迎的老师。
Thatsongwas popularwithpeoplefrom my father'sgeneration.那首歌在我爸爸那一代人中很流行。
Walking is a popularformofexerciseinBritain.在英国,步行是很流行的运动方式。
How popular isMadonnaamong/withteenagers?麦当娜在青少年中有多受欢迎?
informalJanwasn't very popular(=peoplewereannoyedby her)when sheopenedall thewindowson thatcoldday.在这么冷的天简把所有的窗户都打开,这样做很惹人厌。
- The government'spolicieshave not been popular with thevoters.
- Thepotatois the most popularvegetableinBritain.
- Thisparticularstretchofcoastisespeciallypopular withwalkers.
- Atschoolhe was popular andself-confident, and we weren'tsurprisedat hislatersuccess.
- It's the goodweatherthat makes Spain such a populartouristdestination.
Liked, or not liked, by many people
- acquire
- an acquired tasteidiom
- anti-popular
- be the new rock and rollidiom
- be welcome toidiom
- cult
- ground
- high-traffic
- insomeone'sgood/bad booksidiom
- killer app
- lose
- lose groundphrase
- low-traffic
- Marmite
- sought after
- top-rated
- trend
- unappreciated
- unbeloved
- viral
B2[before noun]
for orinvolvingordinarypeopleratherthanexpertsor veryeducatedpeople:
Theissuewasvirtuallyignoredby the popularpress.这件事实际上被通俗报刊忽视了。
The popularmythis thatairtravelis moredangerousthantravelbycarorbus.一个普遍的错误之说是乘飞机比开车和乘公共汽车都要危险。
- popularculture
- Contrary to popularopinion, I don'tdyemyhair!
- Thetabloidnewspapershavefastenedon popularpsychology.
- Wehopeourworkwillhelptochangepopularmisconceptionsaboutdisabledpeople.
- Heowedhis popularsupportto thepotencyof hispropagandamachine.
Ordinary people
- banausic
- community
- Essex girl
- everyman
- grassroots
- John Doe
- John Q. Public
- man/woman of the peopleidiom
- mass
- mass market
- mortal
- omnibus
- popularly
- prole
- public
- rabble
- rank and file
- the common manidiom
- the man/woman in the streetidiom
- the man/woman on the Clapham omnibusidiom