adjective[before noun]
(alsopostcoup)uk/ˌpəʊstˈkuː/us/ˌpoʊstˈkuː/existingorhappeningafter apoliticalcoup(= anillegal, oftenviolent, taking ofgovernmentpower,especiallybypartof anarmy):
They said the post-coupperiodhad beenmismanaged.
He had been amemberof the post-coupgovernment.
The party'spopularitywasweakenedby theharshrepressionof the postcoupperiod.
- He was the country's first post-couppresident.
- The country's post-couppoliticshavebecomeriddledwithsuspicionandaccusations.
- This was one of the mostcontroversialpost-coupincidents.
- Heappearedin his first post-coupbroadcastinmilitaryuniform,promisingwidespreadreforms.
Taking action against people in power
- anarchist
- angry young man
- anti-apartheid
- anti-revolutionary
- anti-state
- insurgency
- insurrection
- jihadi
- mujahideen
- mutineer
- rebelliousness
- recusant
- red flag
- revolt
- revolution
- subversiveness
- suicide bomber
- terrorist
- topple
- troublemaker