alargeprintedpicture,photograph, ornoticethat youstickorpinto awallorboard, usually fordecorationor toadvertisesomething:
招贴,海报;布告Thechildrenput upposters on theclassroomwalls.孩子们在教室的墙上张贴了海报。
Wenoticeda posteradvertisingacircus.我们看到一张马戏团演出的海报。
See also
poster paint

dickcraft/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- aneye-catchingposter
- On hiswallhe has a poster of Marilyn Monroe, herlipsforeverpartedinanticipation.
- "The end of theworldis athand!" the posterdeclaimed.
- The posters werepeelingaway from thedampwalls.
- She had done little topersonalizeherroom, excepthanga few posters on thewalls.
- -scape
- abstract
- aquatint
- balloon
- canvas
- caricature
- cartoon
- foreground
- graphic novel
- graphics
- halo
- hellscape
- identikit
- pastel
- pencil
- pixelated
- raster
- rehang
- screen print
- shade
internet & telecoms
someone whopublishessomething such as amessageorpictureon awebsiteor usingsocialmedia:
(在网站或社交媒体上发布信息或照片的)发帖人There was alivelydebateon themessageboards, with many postersarguingagainst theplan.在留言板上辩论很踊跃,许多发帖人反对这项计划。
Internet terminology
- above/below the foldidiom
- address bar
- affiliate link
- affiliate marketing
- all-you-can-eat
- domain name
- internet
- internet café
- internet-enabled
- interweb
- IP
- keyboard warrior
- refresh
- shopping basket
- upvote
- user experience
- utility computing
- UX
- virally
- visitor