释义 |
jellynoun(SUBSTANCE)A2[CorU]asweetsoftfoodmade bycookingfruitwithsugartopreserveit. It issmooth, without anypiecesoffruitin it. Jelly iseatenonbread: 果酱 apeanutbutterand jellysandwich花生酱和果酱三明治 applejelly苹果酱  istetiana/Moment/GettyImages [CorU]UK(UStrademarkJell-O)asoft,sweet, usuallybrightlycolouredfoodmade fromsugar,gelatine, andfruitflavours, thatshakesslightlywhen it ismoved: 果冻 I've made astrawberryjelly for the children'stea.我做了份草莓果冻给孩子们当茶点。 jelly andicecream果冻和冰激凌  Edith64/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages [U]anysoft,slightlywetsubstancethatshakesslightlywhen it ismoved: 胶冻,胶状物 Frogs'eggsarecoveredin asortoftransparentjelly.青蛙卵上覆盖着一种透明的胶状物。 - Leave the jelly in thefridgeto set.
- I wasshakinglike a jelly before myexam.
- Add aspoonfulofredcurrantjelly to thesauce.
- The jellymouldwasshapedlike acrown.
- Thecontentsof thebaghadturnedinto anamorphousmassof jelly.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesJams & spreads - apple butter
- confiture
- conserve
- filling
- gianduja
- golden syrup
- honey
- lekvar
- lemon butter
- lemon curd
- manuka
- marmalade
- membrillo
- nut butter
- paste
- PB&J
- peanut butter
- preserve
- quince paste
- spread
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Puddings, desserts & ices Substances & structures in the body Animal physiology: bodily fluids & their production jellies [plural](alsojelly shoes)shoesmade fromcolouredtransparentplastic,wornespeciallyat thebeach: Are jelliescomfortable? Yes, men canwearjellies too! SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesShoes - ankle boot
- ballet shoe
- Birkenstock
- bootie
- bootlace
- high heels
- high-top
- hiking boot
- hobnail boot
- insole
- running shoe
- sandal
- shoehorn
- shoelace
- shoemaker
- wedge
- wedgie
- wellie
- wellington
- welly
See more results » jellynoun(CREATURE)USajellyfish(= aseacreaturewith asoft,oval,almosttransparentbody): Jellies are usuallydensestin theoceansouthof Winyah Bay. With thenumbersof jelliesbooming, moreswimmersare gettingstung. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSea creatures - abalone
- amphipod
- anemone
- barnacle
- barrier reef
- cowrie
- crab
- cray
- crayfish
- crustacean
- limpet
- littleneck clam
- lobster
- marron
- mollusc
- sea urchin
- shellfish
- shipworm
- shrimp
- squid
See more results » Idiomsbeatsomeoneto a jelly turn to jelly (Definition ofjellyfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)A2[CorU]asweetsoftfoodmade bycookingfruitwithsugartopreserveit. It issmooth, without anypiecesoffruitin it. Jelly iseatenonbread. 果酱apeanutbutterand jellysandwich花生酱和果酱三明治 applejelly苹果酱 [CorU]UK(UStrademarkJell-O)asoft,sweet, usuallybrightlycolouredfoodmade fromsugar,gelatine, andfruitflavours, thatshakesslightlywhen it ismoved 果冻I've made astrawberryjelly for the children'stea.我做了份草莓果冻给孩子们当茶点。 jelly andicecream果冻和冰激凌 [U]anysoft,slightlywetsubstancethatshakesslightlywhen it ismoved 胶冻,胶状物Frogs'eggsarecoveredin asortoftransparentjelly.青蛙卵上覆盖着一种透明的胶状物。 - Leave the jelly in thefridgeto set.
- I wasshakinglike a jelly before myexam.
- Add aspoonfulofredcurrantjelly to thesauce.
- The jellymouldwasshapedlike acrown.
- Thecontentsof thebaghadturnedinto anamorphousmassof jelly.
Idiomsbeatsbto a jelly turn to jelly jelly| American Dictionaryasoft,sweet,slightlysolidfoodmade byboilingfruitjuicewithsugar: grape/applejelly apeanutbutterand jellysandwich Jelly is also asubstancethat isalmostsolid: (Definition ofjellyfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofjellyjelly If the nuclear status was unclear, the oocytes were mounted on slides that had been prepared with petroleumjelly/paraffin wax supporting droplets.From theCambridge English Corpus The corneas were kept moist with a few drops of mineral oil or white petroleumjelly.From theCambridge English Corpus Furthermore, anti-asterosap rabbit antibody significantly decreased die acrosome reaction-inducing activity of thejellysolution and the activity was restored by addition of excess asterosap.From theCambridge English Corpus We then placed the animal in a stereotactic head-restraining device and anesthetized pressure points with lidocainejelly.From theCambridge English Corpus Thus, spermatozoon interaction with and movement through thejellylayers is of critical importance to the accomplishment of fertilisation.From theCambridge English Corpus They contain the condensed material giving rise to the eggjellyafter fertilisation.From theCambridge English Corpus The experimental results are presented using the end effector that has been operated to lift non-rigid food materials such asjellyblocks.From theCambridge English Corpus Name the designer of the shoe that spawned millions of plastic imitations, known as "jellies".From theCambridge English Corpus In nereids, eggjellytherefore forms after fertilisation as opposed to ovulation.From theCambridge English Corpus A bubble in thejellyserves as a convenient reference point in this series.From theCambridge English Corpus For this reason, production and storage of eggjellyprecursor in nereids may have been conferred upon the oocytes.From theCambridge English Corpus The nictitating membrane was retracted with phenylephrine hydrochloride and the corneas protected with either mineral oil or white petroleumjelly.From theCambridge English Corpus Samples consisted of 4-5 primordia from a single seed, with the cut surfaces coated with petroleumjelly, and were replicated four times.From theCambridge English Corpus The space around the small embryos was filled withjelly-like endosperm.From theCambridge English Corpus In the echinoderms, peptides released from thejellycoat of eggs play a pivotal role as a signal for such changes.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/jelly## |