someone whoarrangesandworkswith theropesthatsupportandcontrola ship'ssails:
He had alicencetoactas a rigger on asailingshiparound 1880.
Awholearmyof shipwrights, boiler-makers,painters, and riggersslowlyrebuilttheship.
someone whoworkswithropes,chains,liftingdevices, etc. on abuildingsite(= apieceoflandon which abuildingor otherstructureis beingbuilt):
When they havecutthrough asection, the riggers come in andcableit to acrane.
I can't get thestandardof riggers,chippies, andplasterersI need.
someone who puts uplargepiecesofstage,lighting, andsoundequipmentforconcerts,festivals,filmsets, etc.:
Heleadsateamof riggers on thefilmset.
A riggersufferedabrokenlegin theaccidentat Earl'sCourtin London.
someone whorepairsthemovingpartsandflightcontrolsof anaircraft:
The riggersspentacoupleofweekscheckingtheaircraftbefore itflewagain.
Heworkedas a rigger with thegroundcrew,responsibleforexaminingtheaircraft.
someone whoworkson orhelpsbuildanoilrig(= alargestructurewithequipmentforremovingoilfrom under theground,especiallyfrom under thesea):
In somejobs, forexamplediversandoffshoreriggers,physicalfitnessisessential.
A rigger from Elgin was one of the firstoilmentoarriveback at Aberdeen Airport.
someone whotakescareof,repairs, andpacksparachutes(=largepiecesofcloththat arefastenedtopeoplewhojumpfrom anaircraft, to make themfallsafelyto theground):
Heservedas aparachuterigger in Vietnam.
He has been a rigger for 15yearsand hasjumpedat least 800times.
theatre & filmspecialized
inanimation(=movingimagescreatedfromdrawings,models, etc. that arephotographedorcreatedby acomputer), someone whocreatestheframeworksthat make thecharactersmove:
someone whoarrangesdishonestlyfor theresultof something, forexampleanelection, to bechanged:
The US hashitelectionriggers from thatcountrywith avisaban.
Marketriggers should bepunishedwith withfinesandprison.
Dishonest people
- birther
- cadger
- charmer
- cheat
- cheater
- deceiver
- hoaxer
- humbug
- hustler
- hypocrite
- knave
- mountebank
- perjurer
- profiteer
- ringer
- scammer
- trickster
- wheeler-dealer
riggernoun[C](ROWING BOAT PART)
alongpartthatsticksout from thesideof arowingboatandholdsthesupportsfor theoars(=longpolesused forrowing):
Abladegotcaughtbetween thewaterand the rigger.
Parts of ships & boats
- abaft
- bilge water
- boathook
- boiler room
- bowline
- bulkhead
- cleat
- cockpit
- couchette
- escape hatch
- keel
- mast
- paddle
- spar
- stem
- sun deck
- superstructure
- topsail
- waterline
- wheelhouse
artspecialized(alsorigger brush)
alongpointedbrushforpaintingwithbristles(=hairs)made ofsable(= thehairof asmallanimal):
Forpaintingtreebranches, he uses riggers insizes2, 4, and 6.
Afinesableriggerbrushwill make verypreciselines.
Painting & drawing materials
- airbrush
- blank canvas
- brush
- canvas
- drawing board
- easel
- glitter
- manikin
- mannikin
- oil
- paint
- paintbrush
- palette
- palette knife
- pencil
- poster colour
- stencil
- template
- watercolour
- woodblock