right-hand drive
uk/ˌraɪt.hænd ˈdraɪv/us/ˌraɪt.hænd ˈdraɪv/A right-hand drivevehiclehas thecontrolson therightside, and thevehicleisintendedto bedrivenon theleftsideof theroad.
- 4×4
- all-wheel drive
- artic
- automobile
- banger
- beetle
- black cab
- classic car
- crock
- hardtop
- Jeep
- marque
- Merc
- Mk
- sport utility vehicle
- station wagon
- supercar
- town car
- tuktuk
- turbo
right-hand drive
uk/ˌraɪt.hænd ˈdraɪv/us/ˌraɪt.hænd ˈdraɪv/[C]
avehiclethat has thesteeringwheelon the right-handside:
You may have towaitweeksfordeliveryif you areorderinga right-hand drive in aleft-handdrivecountry.
As she has a right-hand drive,overtakingsafelycan bedifficult.

PaulMaguire/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
avehicledrivingsystemin which thecontrolsare on the right-handsideof thecar:
Thecarwould havecosttoo much toconvertto right-hand drive.
SouthAfricais one of the fewcountriesin theworldwherepeopledrive on theleft, so mostcarshave right-hand drive.
- Don'tworry, they're all right-handdrives.
- When theyintroducedthem with right-hand drive Iboughtone on thespot.
- Imports of newcarswill berestrictedtovehicleswith right-hand drive.
- 4×4
- all-wheel drive
- artic
- automobile
- banger
- beetle
- black cab
- classic car
- crock
- hardtop
- Jeep
- marque
- Merc
- Mk
- sport utility vehicle
- station wagon
- supercar
- town car
- tuktuk
- turbo