kitchen salt
uk/ˈkɪtʃ.ən ˌsɒlt/us/ˈkɪtʃ.ən ˌsɑːlt/saltin theformofsmallgrainsthat comes from thegroundand sometimes hasiodineaddedto it, used incooking:
厨用盐Put thesmallcucumbersin abagwith aheavyhandfulofkitchensaltandshakewell.将小黄瓜放进一个袋子里,加入一大把厨用盐,摇匀。
coarse salt
common salt
kosher salt
iodized salt
rock salt
sea salt
table salt
- Therecipeasksforseasaltbutnormalkitchensaltwillwork.
- Addhalfacupofkitchensalttoyourhotbath.
- Thecompanysellseverythingsalt:pinkkitchensaltfrom the Himalayas,bathsaltfrom the Dead Sea, andeven24varietiesthat come in abamboobox.
Herbs & spices
- aji
- ajwain
- Aleppo pepper
- allspice
- ancho
- chipotle
- chive
- chives
- cilantro
- cinnamon
- gingery
- habanero
- herb
- herbal
- herbed
- peppercorn
- peri-peri
- ras el hanout
- red pepper
- sage