Jesus sandal
noun[Cusually plural]
mainlyUKuk/ˈdʒiː.zəs ˌsæn.dəl/us/ˈdʒiː.zəs ˌsæn.dəl/asimplestyleofsandal(=lightshoeforwarmweather)consisting of twoleatherstrapsthat goacrossthetopof thefootand sometimes astraparound theheel(= the back of thefoot),fixedto aflatbottompartusually made fromnaturalmaterials:
(男式)耶稣凉鞋Ayoungman inJesussandalswalkedpast.一名穿着一双耶稣凉鞋的小伙子步行经过。

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- I've neverheardof Birkenstocks, and I don'twearJesussandals. Itendtowearnicehandmadeshoes.
- This was Bondi Beach - allJesussandalsandtie-dyetops.
- Environment-friendlycarsare for tree-huggers whowearJesussandals, he says.
- "You shouldwearsomethingcomfortable, likeJesussandals." -- "OhMother. I'm notwearingthose."
- ankle boot
- ballet shoe
- Birkenstock
- bootie
- bootlace
- high heels
- high-top
- hiking boot
- hobnail boot
- insole
- sandal
- shoehorn
- shoelace
- shoemaker
- shoestring
- wedgie
- wellie
- wellington
- welly
- whitening