小孩He took the kids to theparkwhile I wasworking.我工作时他把孩子们带到公园去了。
a child
- childWhen I was a child the summers seemed to go on for ever.
- boyThere's a new boy in my class.
- girlThe girl's name is Sally.
- kidI'm off to pick up the kids from school.
- kiddieI saw her with a little kiddie in a pushchair.
- little oneThe little ones must be hungry by now.
your child
- childWe have three children, two girls and a boy.
- sonMy son is getting married in the spring.
- daughterHer daughter works for a multinational in the Netherlands.
- kidMy two kids are both grown up now.
- offspringI'm sure you'll be relieved once your offspring grow up and leave home.
- broodMy sister descended on me with her brood of five.
年轻人He was only 16, just a kid really.他才16岁,还是个毛头小子。
[as form of address]What's up, kid?年轻人,怎么啦?
someone'skid sister/brothermainlyUSinformal
(某人的)妹妹/弟弟be like a kid in a candy storeUSandAustralian English
to be veryhappyandexcitedabout the things around you, and oftenreactto them in a way that issillyand notcontrolled:
像进了糖果店的孩子(形容对周围的事物感到非常高兴、激动,以致于行为表现的可笑,难以控制)You should haveseenhim when theyarrived. He was like a kid in acandystore.你真应该看看他们来的时候他的样子,简直就像是进了糖果店的孩子。
- Sheknowsthenameof every kid in theschool.
- He was theeldestof four kids.
- The kids alwaysclutterup thehallwithschoolbagsandcoatsandstuff.
- She had to get the kidsreadyforschool.
- Mydaughterused toplaywith the kids nextdoor.
Children & babies
- ankle-biter
- arrival
- babe
- babe in arms
- baby
- comfort blanket
- crawler
- designer baby
- devil
- diddums
- pacifier
- papoose
- perisher
- pest
- potty
- toilet-trained
- tomboy
- tot
- tyke
- urchin
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Young people
Family: relations in general
Excited, interested and enthusiastic
Stupid and silly behaviour
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verysoftleathermade from theskinof ayounggoat:
Animal young
- baby
- calf
- calves
- chick
- colt
- cygnet
- fawn
- foal
- fry
- gosling
- hatchling
- heifer
- joey
- litter
- owlet
- peachick
- piglet
- poult
- puggle
- spawn
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Sheep & goats
Tanning & leather
handle/treatsomeonewith kid gloves
informaluk/kɪd/us/kɪd/-dd-to say something as ajoke, often making someonebelievesomething that is nottrue:
(与某人)开玩笑;哄骗Oh no, Iforgotyourbirthday! Hey,just/onlykidding!啊,我把你的生日忘了!嘿,开玩笑的!
Youwonfirstprize? You're kidding!(= I'm reallysurprised.)你得了第一?开玩笑吧!
I'm just kidding you!我不过和你开个玩笑!
to tease someone
- teaseThe boys teased her mercilessly on the playground.
- jokeI've lost your passport. Only joking!
- kidI'm sorry, I forgot to get you a birthday present. Just kidding!
- pull someone's legIs that really your car or are you pulling my leg?
- ribHis brothers were ribbing him about his new girlfriend.
- make fun ofThe other children made fun of him because he wore glasses.
tobelievesomething that is nottrue, usually because youwantit to betrue:
欺骗自已He says there's a goodchanceshe'll come back to him but Ithinkhe's kidding himself.他说她很可能会回到他身边,但我觉得他是在自欺欺人。
- joke
- josh
- leg
- only joking!idiom
- pullsomeone'slegidiom
- rag
- rag onsomeone
- raillery
- rib
- ribbing
- roast
- spoof
- standing joke
- tease
- teaser
- wind
- windsomethingup
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
no kidding
you have (got) to be kidding
Phrasal verb
kid around