to make asubstanceflowfrom acontainer,especiallyinto anothercontainer, byraisingjust onesideof thecontainerthat thesubstanceis in:
倒,注,灌Ispilledthejuicewhile I was pouring it.我倒果汁时不小心弄洒了。
Pour thehoneyintothebowlandmixitthoroughlywith the otheringredients.把蜂蜜倒进碗里,让它和其他原料充分混合。
[+ two objects]Would you like me to pour you some morewine?我再给你斟点酒好吗?
Would you like to pour(= pour adrinkinto aglassorcup)while Iopensomebagsofnuts?我开几袋坚果,你倒饮料好吗?
- After fourminutes, pour thepastainto acolandertodrain.
- Let'sseeif I can pour thejuiceinto theglasswithoutspillingit.
- I couldhearthechampagnefizzas he poured it into myglass.
- Themilkoverflowedwhen I poured it into thejug.
- Jack was pouring himself anotherglassofwhisky.
Movement of liquids
- backsplash
- be dripping withsomethingidiom
- bleed
- decant
- drainage
- drip
- eddy
- leakage
- ripple
- runsomeone/somethingover
- runnel
- seep
- seepage
- slosh
- spit
- swirl
- topsomethingup
- trickle
- tub
- washsomethingaway
B1[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]
to (causeto)flowquicklyand inlargeamounts:
(使)倾泻,(使)涌出Thebuswas pouringoutthickblackexhaustfumes.那辆公共汽车排出大量浑浊的黑色废气。
Thegovernmenthas been pouringmoneyintoinefficientstate-ownedindustries, and thecountrycan nolongeraffordit.政府一直在向效益欠佳的国有企业注入大量资金,国家再也承受不了了。
Ifeltasharppainandlookeddown toseebloodpouringfrommyleg.我感到一阵剧痛,低头一看血正从我的腿上涌出。
Refugees have been pouringintoneighbouringcountriestoescapethecivilwar.难民大量涌入邻国以逃避内战。
Thesweatwas pouringdownherfaceby the end of therace.赛跑结束时汗水顺着她的脸颊滚落。
Itlooksas thoughit's about to pour(withrain).看样子要下倾盆大雨了。
I wasstandinginthepouringrainfor anhourwaitingfor mybus.为了等公共汽车我在倾盆大雨中站了1个小时。
Movement of liquids
- backsplash
- be dripping withsomethingidiom
- bleed
- decant
- drainage
- drip
- eddy
- leakage
- ripple
- runsomeone/somethingover
- runnel
- seep
- seepage
- slosh
- spit
- swirl
- topsomethingup
- trickle
- tub
- washsomethingaway
pour oil on troubled waters
pour scorn onsomeone/something
Phrasal verb