theconditionof beingextremelypoor:
贫困,贫穷Two millionpeoplein thecityliveinabject(= verygreat)poverty.这个城市有两百万人生活在赤贫中。
HeemigratedtoAustraliatoescapethegrinding(= verygreat)poverty of hisbirthplace.他为了逃避出生地极为贫困的生活移民到了澳大利亚。
Helping toalleviatepoverty indevelopingcountriesalsohelpstoreduceenvironmentaldestruction.帮助缓解发展中国家的贫困也有助于减少对环境的破坏。
a poverty ofsomethingformal
alackof something or when thequalityof something isextremelylow:
…的贫乏,…的缺少;…的劣质There is adisappointingpoverty ofcreativityintheirwork.他们的工作缺乏创造性,令人失望。
- Theproblemof poverty isparticularlyacuteinruralareas.
- Theclosureof thefactorybroughtpoverty to thetown.
- When is thegovernmentgoing totackletheproblemof poverty in theinnercities?
- I've neverwitnessedsuchextremesofwealthand poverty.
- Theproblemsof poverty,homelessnessandunemploymentare allinterconnected.
Scarce, inadequate and not enough
- be at a premiumidiom
- be thin on the groundidiom
- dearth
- deficiency
- deficient
- gold dust
- lacking
- long onsomethingand short onsomethingidiom
- lousy
- meagre
- measly
- nearly
- scrubby
- shortage
- shortfall
- shortness
- shy
- skinny
- sparse
- thin