影响力;操控力;势力I've no poweroverhim - he does what hewantsto.我管不了他——他想干什么就干什么。
Oncenicotinehas youinitspower, it's verydifficulttostopsmoking.一旦尼古丁对你起了作用,戒烟就很难了。
She has the power tocharmany man shemeets.她有魅力令她碰见的每个男子都神魂颠倒。
theamountofpoliticalcontrolapersonorgrouphas in acountry:
权力;政权Does thepresidenthave more power than theprimeminister?总统是否比总理权力更大?
Howlonghas theConservativePartybeeninpower?保守党当政多久了?
Thearmyseizedpower after fivedaysof anti-governmentdemonstrations.反政府示威5天后,军方夺取了政权。
- After eightyearsin power, thegovernmentcan nolongeruse thepreviousgovernment'spolicyas analibiforitsownfailure.
- Until theconstitutionisamended, the power toappointministerswillremainwith thepresident.
- Fairtrade, sayOxfam, is about givingpoorpeoplepower.
- Thearmytookcontrolof thecityafter the president'sfallfrom power.
- Mostmodernkingsandqueensruleonly in aformalway, withoutrealpower.
Power to control
- ascendancy
- authoritarianism
- be abovesomeone'spay gradeidiom
- big beast
- buysomethingin
- cradle
- hegemonic
- hegemonism
- hegemony
- implant
- influence
- ingrain
- leverage
- power vacuum
- predominance
- puissance
- pull
- redetermination
- sway
- tooth
力,力量Ourcardoesn't have enough power totowatrailer.我们的轿车功率不够大,拖不动拖车。
Weightlifters havetremendouspower intheirarmsandlegs.举重运动员的臂力和腿力极大。
Scientists areworkingtoharnessthe power of theatom.科学家们正在研究如何利用原子能。
Theeconomicpower of manyAsiancountrieshasgrowndramaticallyinrecentyears.近年来许多亚洲国家的经济实力有了显著的增长。
- Thepictureswere aneloquentreminderof the power of thevolcano.
- The Kon-TikisailedacrossthePacificOceanpropelledbywindpower.
- I was soterrifiedIseemedtoloseall the power from mylegs.
- It isastonishingtoseethesheerpower of thisextraordinaryathlete.
- The power of herreligiousfaithisclearfor all tosee.
- We werestruckby the power of thedancers'performances.
Power to control
- ascendancy
- authoritarianism
- be abovesomeone'spay gradeidiom
- big beast
- buysomethingin
- cradle
- hegemonic
- hegemonism
- hegemony
- implant
- influence
- ingrain
- leverage
- power vacuum
- predominance
- puissance
- pull
- redetermination
- sway
- tooth
anofficialorlegalrightto do something:
权力,权限;职权[+ to infinitive]I'd like tohelpbut I don't have the powertointervenein thisdispute.我很想帮忙,但我无权介入此纠纷。
It's notinyourpowertocanceltheorder.你无权取消这份订单。
I can't give you arefund- I'mafraidit's notwithinmy power.我不能给你退款——这恐怕不在我的职权范围内。
权力,职权,权势You wereactingbeyondyourpowers when youagreedto give her apayrise.你答应给她加薪,这是在越权行事。
Visitors to thecityarerespectfullyremindedof the council's powerstoremoveillegallyparkedvehicles.到该市游览的游客收到礼貌的提醒,市政委员会有权拖走违章停放的车辆。
- Since thegovernmentlimitedtheirpowers, theunionsare nolongeraforceto bereckonedwith .
- I'll do everything within my power as alawyertoachievejusticefor you.
- The power tosackemployeesresidesin the Board of Directors.
- He has beenvestedwith the power toimplementwhateverchangesheseesfit.
- They have the power to say yes or no tobiginvestmentprojects.
Court cases, orders & decisions
- actionable
- administer
- admissibility
- admissible
- affidavit
- committal
- conveyancing
- exhibit
- extinguishment
- extrajudicial
- fatal accident inquiry
- finding
- gagging order
- inquest
- moot
- power of attorney
- precedent
- pretrial
- probate
- provide
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Power to control
electricity,especiallywhenconsideringitsuse orproduction:
电力You shoulddisconnectthe power beforeattemptingtorepairelectricalequipment.在检修电气设备之前应先切断电源。
Ourbuildinglostpower(= theelectricitywasstopped)during thestorm.暴风雨中我们的房子断电了。
- Most of thedataon the harddrivewascorruptedby the powercut.
- Solar power is theconversionof the sun'senergyintoheatandelectricity.
- Thestormhasaffectedpowerlinesall over theregion.
- ahydroelectricpowerstation
- anuclearpowerplant
Electricity & electronics
- anti-static
- arc
- bitstream
- brownout
- capacitance
- chargeable
- charged
- conduct
- electromagnetism
- generate
- hydropower
- negatively
- non-electric
- non-electrical
- non-electronic
- non-polar
- photoelectric
- piezoelectric
- pylon
- resistance
能力,本领Mymentalpowers aren't as good as they used to be.我的脑力不如以前了。
- Environmentalists are doing everything withintheirpower tominimizetheimpactof theoilspill.
- Wehumansbelievethat we are the onlyanimalsto have the power ofreason.
- Solving thisproblemhas taken all mybrainpower.
- I'll do everything in my power tohelpyou, but I can'tguaranteesuccess.
- Why don't you useyourpowers ofpersuasiontoconvincethem?
anaturalskillor anabilityto do something:
能力,本领He was soshockedby whathappenedto hisparentsthat helostthe powerofspeech.发生在他父母身上的事使他惊呆了,他一句话也说不出来。
[+ to infinitive]Thesurgeondid everythinginher powertosavehim.医生竭尽全力抢救他。
Skill, talent and ability
- ability
- accomplishment
- accuracy
- acumen
- adroitness
- endowment
- flair
- forte
- functional skills
- functioning
- genius
- muscle memory
- non-technical
- polish
- prestidigitation
- proficiency
- speciality
- wheelhouse
- wizardry
- workmanship
aperson,organization, orcountrythat hascontroloverothers, often because ofwealth,importance, orgreatmilitarystrength:
掌握大权的人;有影响力的机构;强国Spain was animportantmilitarypower in the 16thcentury.西班牙在16世纪是一个军事强国。
Germany is onitsway tobecomingaworldpower with apermanentseaton the UNSecurityCouncil.德国正在努力成为世界强国,谋求成为联合国安理会常任理事国。
She is anincreasinglyimportantpowerin thecompany.在公司中她的权力越来越大。
- adominantmilitarypower
- Thiscountrywould neversubmittolivingunder theheelof aforeignpower.
- animperialistpower
- Themajorpowers have said they will notsendingroundtroops.
- It's up to the powers that be todecidewhat should be done next.
People in charge of or controlling other people
- acephalous
- administrator
- anti-management
- authority
- bureaucrat
- conservator
- controller
- council
- counter-power
- dean
- lord
- management
- manipulator
- mistress
- the thought police
- too many chiefs and not enough Indiansidiom
- top dog
- troika
- tsar
- yourlord and masteridiom
therateat whichenergyis used, or theabilitytoproduceenergy:
动力,功率Theshipwas onlyslightlydamagedin thecollisionand wasabletosailintoportunderitsown power.船在撞击中只是轻微受损,仍可依靠自身的动力驶入港口。
The powerratingof myamplifieris 40wattsperchannel.我的扬声器的功率(级别)是每声道40瓦。
Physics: energy, force & power
- anti-gravity
- atmospheric pressure
- attract
- attraction
- bar magnet
- barometric pressure
- frictionless
- fundamental force
- G-force
- gravitational
- high-impact
- meltdown
- propulsion
- stored energy
- strong force
- surface tension
- thermodynamic
- transduce
- transduction
- unexcited
powernoun(IMAGE SIZE)
theamountby which animageisincreasedby adeviceused forseeingthings that are verysmallor alongdistanceaway:
放大率;放大倍数What's themagnificationpower ofyourbinoculars?你的双筒望远镜的放大倍数是多少?
You'll need a very high-powermicroscopetoseesomething assmallas that.要观察那么小的东西,你需要一台高倍显微镜。
A low-powertelescopeis enough if you onlywanttolookat themoon.只观看月相用低倍望远镜就足够了。
Physics: optics, microscopy & lasers
- anti-reflection
- anti-reflective
- chromatic aberration
- concentrator
- converging lens
- electron microscope
- eyepiece
- field glasses
- lens
- magnification
- magnifying glass
- opera glasses
- optics
- polarization
- polarize
- polarized
- polarizer
- reflecting telescope
- reflection
- transparency
thenumberoftimesthat anumberis to bemultipliedby itself:
幂,乘方2to thefourth power is 2times2times2times2, whichequals16.2的4次方就是2乘2乘2乘2,等于16。
3to thepower 4 is usually written as 34.3的4次方通常写作34。
Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division
- add
- add (something) up
- addition sign
- additive
- arithmetical
- coefficient
- deduction
- half
- halve
- highest common factor
- long division
- recursion
- roundsomethingdown
- square
- subtraction sign
- subtractive
- table
- takesomethingaway
- times
- treble
dosomeonea power of good
more power toyourelbow!
the power behind the throne
the powers that be
toprovideamachinewithenergyand theabilitytooperate:
为…提供动力,驱动Buses andtrucksare usually powered bydieselengines.公共汽车和卡车通常是由柴油机驱动的。
Electricitycostsless thanpetrol, so powering anelectricvehicleischeaper.电比汽油的成本低,所以电动力车会比较省钱。
Machines - general words
- 3-D printer
- animatronic
- automated
- automation
- backhoe
- chuck
- coffee machine
- convenience
- crankshaft
- flywheel
- Heath Robinson
- hoist
- mill
- shredder
- supersensitivity
- tabulator
- teleprompter
- telerobotics
- touchless
- water cooler
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
[Iusually+ adv/prep]
toactwithgreatstrengthor in aforcefulway:
增加力量;奋力行动Halfway through, she powered into theleadand went on towintherace.到半程时,她加速冲到前面,一直领先,赢得了赛跑冠军。
Moving quickly
- agility
- beetle
- bowl down/alongsomething
- careen
- career
- gallop
- gun
- leg
- outsail
- pelt
- rush
- scamper
- scoot
- scrabble
- scramble
- scud
- shoot
- stampede
- ton
- trot
Phrasal verbs
power through(something)