uk/ˈrɔɪ.stər/us/ˈrɔɪ.stɚ/toenjoyyourself in anoisyandenergeticway:
喧闹作乐In hisyouthLordDorset had roistered withLordRochester at thecourtof Charles II.年轻时,多塞特勋爵曾与罗切斯特勋爵一起在查理二世的宫廷里喧闹作乐。
Crowds ofpeopleroistered along,chatteringand sometimescheering.成群结队的人们沿着街道喧闹作乐,聊着天,有时还发出欢呼声。
- Hedrewthemuralswhile roistering in Ithaca with apainterpal.
- Should youspota hen-party roistering aroundyourwayanytimesoon,chancesare it'sheadingtowards thismovie.
- Legend has it that duringcertainsummerfullmoonsthewildelephantsarriveto roisteramongsttheruins.
Celebrating & entertaining
- amuse
- amused
- bacchanalian
- banqueting
- bar-hop
- emcee
- entertain
- entertaining
- ents
- go to townidiom
- kill
- perform
- propose
- push
- regalesomeonewithsomething
- rejoice
- rejoicing
- revel
- revel insomething
- throw
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Taking pleasure in something