Kendal mint cake
UK(alsoKendal Mint Cake)uk/ˌken.dəl ˈmɪnt ˌkeɪk/us/ˌken.dəl ˈmɪnt ˌkeɪk/atypeof hardsweet,flavouredwithpeppermint,soldin arectangularblock, andtraditionallypopularwith UKwalkersandclimbersas ameansofprovidingenergy:
(传统上深受英国远足者和登山者喜爱的)肯德尔薄荷硬糖You need arucksack,stoutboots, and a lot of Kendalmintcake.你需要一个背包、结实的靴子,还有很多肯德尔薄荷硬糖。
Nothing comescloseto Kendal Mint Cake for thatsheersugarenergyrush.要享受那种纯粹的糖分能量,没有什么能比得上肯德尔薄荷硬糖。

- We all hadourownenergysnacks- everything fromdextroseto Kendalmintcake- and these little luxuriescountedfor agreatdealwhen we wereexhaustedat thestartof ahill.
- Kendal Mint Cake'sfinestmomentcame when Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay set off toclimbEverest in 1953, with fourteachestspackedfullof thestuff.
- Shepackedhim hisanorakandgloves, somesandwiches, aflaskofcoffeeand, derigueurformountainmen, Kendalmintcake.
- almond paste
- baking chocolate
- barley sugar
- bitter chocolate
- bittersweet chocolate
- comfit
- confectioner
- confectionery
- cooking chocolate
- cotton candy
- jelly bean
- Jordan almond
- jujube
- licorice
- liquorice
- selection box
- semisweet chocolate
- sherbet
- spun sugar
- stick of rock
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