uk/klæp/us/klæp/-pp-clapverb(MAKE NOISE)
to make ashortloudnoisebyhittingyourhandstogether:
拍(手),击(掌)"When I clap myhands, youstandstill," said theteacher.老师说:“我拍手时,你们必须站立不动。”
Thebandplayedafamiliartunewhich had everyone clappingalong.乐队演奏了一支熟悉的曲子,大家都跟着一起拍手。
to clapyourhandsrepeatedlyto show that you like oradmiresomeone or haveenjoyedaperformance:
鼓(掌)Theaudienceclapped andcheeredwhen shestoodup tospeak.她站起来讲话时,观众们鼓掌欢呼。
We all clapped hisperformanceenthusiastically.我们都为他的表演热烈鼓掌。
- Everyone clapped andcheeredand you couldseehe waslappingit up.
- Theaudienceclappedpolitely.
- Theaudienceclappedrespectfullyas shestoodup tospeak.
- Thewholeaudiencegot up andstartedclapping.
- Theaudiencewaswhoopingand clapping.
Sounds made by objects, movement or impact
- babble
- blaze
- chuff
- clatter
- click away
- clicker
- clinking
- clunk
- crump
- growl
- gunshot
- hiss
- jangling
- pip
- plunk
- scrunch
- sonic boom
- tick
- white noise
- whoosh
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Praising and applauding
clapverb(PUT QUICKLY)
[T+ adv/prep]
to put apersonor thingsomewherequicklyorsuddenly:
迅速把…放在;急速放置She clapped herhandoverhermouthtotrytostopherself fromlaughing.她连忙用手捂住嘴,不让自己笑出声来。
Thepoliceclapped himinto/inprisonforpossessionofdrugs.警察以私藏毒品的罪名将他投入监狱。
Placing and positioning an object
- -based
- appose
- around
- changesomethingaround
- circle
- consign
- fit
- install
- lie
- pile(something)up
- plant
- redeposit
- reinstall
- reinstallation
- relocate
- reorientate
- stick
- superimpose
- transpose
- transposition
[T+ adv/prep]
tohitsomeonelightlyon theshoulderor back in afriendlyway,especiallytoexpresspleasureat what they have done:
(尤指为表示满意而在肩上或背上轻轻友好地)拍He clapped hisdaughteronthe back and told her howproudof her he was.他轻轻拍拍女儿的脊背,告诉她自己多么为她而自豪。
Hitting and beating
- at-risk
- bangsomeoneup
- basher
- bashing
- battered
- brain
- bunch
- butt
- deck
- head-butt
- hell
- kick
- knock
- knocksomeone'sblock offidiom
- mess
- swing
- tansomeone'shideidiom
- wallop
- whop
- whup
Phrasal verbs
clap back
theactof clappingyourhandscontinuouslyto show that you like oradmiresomeone or something:
拍手;鼓掌Let's giveabigclapto/forourwinningcontestant!让我们为获胜选手热烈鼓掌!

Nontawat Thongsibsong/EyeEm/GettyImages
asuddenloudnoisemade bythunder:
霹雳声There wasaclapofthunderand then itstartedtopourwithrain.轰隆一声雷鸣,接着就下起了倾盆大雨。
Praising and applauding
- acclaim
- acclamation
- accolade
- adulate
- adulation
- cheer
- dispatch
- eulogistic
- eulogize
- eulogy
- exalt
- extol
- honour
- paean
- panegyric
- panegyrical
- panegyrist
- patsomeoneon the backidiom
- praise
- rave
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Precipitation: stormy weather
Sounds made by objects, movement or impact
theactofhittingsomeonelightlyon theshoulderor back in afriendlyway,especiallytoexpresspleasureat what they have done:
(尤指为表示满意而在肩上或背上轻轻友好地)拍He gave me afriendlyclapontheshoulderand said, "Well done!"他友好地拍拍我的肩膀说:“干得好!”
Hitting and beating
- at-risk
- bangsomeoneup
- basher
- bashing
- battered
- brain
- bunch
- butt
- deck
- head-butt
- hell
- kick
- knock
- knocksomeone'sblock offidiom
- mess
- swing
- tansomeone'shideidiom
- wallop
- whop
- whup
the clap[S]
(口语)淋病anastydoseof the clap肮脏的淋病
Diseases of the reproductive system
- anti-herpes
- candida
- chlamydia
- clitoridis
- cryptorchidism
- cystocele
- fibroid
- French disease
- impotent
- Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome
- Mullerian agenesis
- sexually transmitted disease
- syphilis
- syphilitic
- thrush
- undescended
- vaginal agenesis
- venereal disease
- venereological
- venereologist