uk/ˌselfˈaɪ.sə.leɪt/us/ˌselfˈaɪ.sə.leɪt/to notleaveyourhomeand tostayaway from otherpeoplewhen you have, or may have, aninfectiousdisease, so that you do notinfectanyoneelse:
If you have been told to self-isolate, you need tostayindoorsandavoidcontactwith otherpeoplefor 14days.
The Britishgovernmentisadvisingthousands ofpeopleto self-isolate topreventthespreadof COVID-19.
Shestayedhomefromworkto self-isolate herself from co-workers, andbegantofeelbetterby late lastweek.
- Whoneedsto self-isolate?
- Theactorself-isolated afterreturningfrom aholiday.
- A man who self-isolated after coming into "closecontact" with aconfirmedcoronaviruscasesays he hastestednegativefor thecondition.