uk/ˈkɪŋ.li/us/ˈkɪŋ.li/relatingto ortypicalof aking:
国王的,君主身份的It is hard to give up the kinglythroneandleadthelifeof ahermit.要放弃王位去过隐士的生活是很难的。
In kinglyfashion, herarelymeetswithreporters, butspeaksto theworldthrough writtenstatements.按照国王惯常的做法,他很少会见记者,而是通过书面声明向外界发表讲话。
- Emphasis wasplacedon kinglyvirtuessuch as servanthood.
- ThepaintingshowsFerdinand VII in all his kinglyfinery- therobes, thesash, themedalsandsword.
- To bejumpyis tolosekinglydignity.
Royalty, aristocracy & titles
- accede tosomething
- accession
- anointed
- anti-monarchical
- anti-monarchist
- duke
- dukedom
- earl
- earldom
- emir
- Messrs
- miss
- mister
- monarch
- monarchist
- royal prerogative
- royalist
- Rt. Hon.
- Shah
- sheikh