uk/ˈdʒɔɪ.stɪk/us/ˈdʒɔɪ.stɪk/adevicethat can bemovedforwards,backwards, andsidewaystocontrolamachineorcomputergame:
It was one of thoseold-fashionedarcadegameswith two joysticks andbigbuttons.
Hemovesa joystick tocontroltheroboticarm.

Zdyma4/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
averticalhandlethat can bemovedforwards,backwards, andsidewaystocontrolthedirectionorheightof anaircraft:
Thepilotgrippedthe joystick,pullingit back as hard as he could.

Emanuele Ravecca/EyeEm/GettyImages
- You cannavigatewith either a joystick or awheelthatfunctionslike ascrollwheelon acomputermouse.
- Thesolarpanelscan becontrolledwith a joystick.
- Asoldiersittingat aconsoleinside thejeepuses a joystick topointa low-powergreenlaserbeamat thetarget.
- Airbusreplacedthe pilot's joystick, which wasphysicallyconnectedto an aircraft'sflapsandrudder, with a "fly-by-wire"system.
Computer hardware
- 3-D printer
- beamer
- blackberry
- brick
- bubblejet
- card reader
- data projector
- gamepad
- graphics card
- hard drive
- microchip
- optical reader
- optically
- palmtop
- patch
- patch intosomething
- pen drive
- plug and play
- printer
- whiteboard
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