theactionofjugglingobjects(=throwingandcatchingseveral of them at the sametime)inordertoentertainpeople:
(杂耍)抛接戏TheChinesecircusincludesaerialdance,doubletrapezeand juggling.中国马戏团的表演包括空中舞蹈、双人高空秋千和抛接戏。

Oliver Rossi/Stone/GettyImages
- There is acircusworkshopfor those whofancymasteringtheartofwalkingonstilts,ridingunicyclesor juggling.
- Arecentstudyfoundthat jugglingcausescertainareasof thebraintogrow, andimprovesyourhand-eye co-ordination.
- Thegameletsyou take onunusualchallengessuch asvirtualbananajuggling.
Miscellaneous games & activities
- air hockey
- beer pong
- boomerang
- bran tub
- buildering
- bungee
- cage diving
- Frisbee
- horseshoe
- jump rope
- keepy-uppy
- korfball
- LARPer
- raffle
- story mode
- subworld
- sudoku
- table football
- tabletop
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Carnival, fairground & circus
theactivityoftryingtomanageyourlifeorjobwhen you areinvolvedin several differentactivitiesthat alldemandyourtime:
处理生活工作中的众多琐事Thepointis not just tohelpwomen do the "juggling" but toacknowledgethatcaringis avitalcontributionto theeconomy.根本点并不在于怎么帮助女性玩好“抛球杂耍”(处理好生活、工作中众多琐碎杂事),而是要认可照料家事对经济也有极大的贡献。
- She isresponsibleforbookingstudycentres,mailingcoursematerialstostudentsandkeepingtutorsbriefed, whichrequiressome juggling.
- Themediareactsto women who give up well-paidjobstolookafterchildrenwithreferencesto "juggling" and "themythof having-it-all".
- It can gethecticbut I'm a verymethodicalworkerand I'mprettygood at juggling.
Coping and not coping
- balancing act
- be left holding the babyidiom
- bear up
- bite
- bite off more thanyoucan chewidiom
- cut
- hand
- head
- hold
- keep body and soul togetheridiom
- keep the wolf from the dooridiom
- keepyourhead above wateridiom
- keep/holdyourend upidiom
- live (from) hand to mouthidiom
- manage
- stretch tosomething
- stride
- subsist
- subsistence
- takesomethinginyourstrideidiom