ketogenic diet
uk/kiː.təʊˌdʒen.ɪk ˈdaɪ.ət/us/kiː.t̬oʊˌdʒen.ɪk ˈdaɪ.ət/atypeofeatingplanin which someoneaimstolosebodyweightbyeatinga lot offoodsthat are high infat, but fewcarbohydrates(=foodssuch asbreadandpotatoes), with theresultthat thebodyisforcedtoburnfatsratherthancarbohydrates:
生酮饮食(通过摄入高蛋白高脂肪低碳水的食物进行减重的饮食方法)He is on theclassicketogenicdiet, which uses aratioof fourfatsto onecarbohydrateand oneprotein.他采用的是典型的生酮饮食,即四份脂肪与一份碳水化合物和一份蛋白质的比例的饮食。
She has donestudiesinto ketogenicdietsforchildrenwithepilepsy.她对生酮饮食对癫痫儿童的影响进行了研究。
keto diet
- A low-carb, ketogenicdietwasfoundin a 16-weekstudyof 28overweightindividualswith Type 2diabetestoreducethe need fordiabetesmedications.
- InOctober2019, Nora went on the ketogenicdiet.
- Data werecollectedontheirexperienceofimplementinga ketogenicdiet.
- Thetechnicalnamefordietssuch as Atkins andsimilarlowcarbdietsis a ketogenicdiet.
Diets & dieting
- caloric
- calorie
- calorie-controlled
- calorific
- carb-free
- clean eating
- cleanse
- diabetic
- dieter
- fatty
- functional food
- lacto-ovo vegetarian
- lacto-vegetarian
- lacto-vegetarianism
- locavore
- low-carb
- macrobiotic
- malnourished
- nutraceutical
- well balanced