the set ofkeyson acomputerortypewriterthat youpressinorderto make itwork:
Switch off thecomputerandunplugthe keyboard.
Thecomputercomes with awirelessmouseand keyboard.

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therowofkeyson amusicalinstrumentsuch as apiano:
Thewidthofpianokeyboardsbecamestandardin the mid-1800s.
Despite herexpertfingeringon the keyboard, she issimplytoodetachedemotionallyto be agreatpianist.
anelectronicmusicalinstrumentsimilarto apiano:
(电子)键盘乐器Infrontof him is anelectronickeyboard.
Hebrieflyplayedkeyboards with rock-and-rollerJohnMellencamp.

- You canmovethecursoreither by using themouseor by using thearrowkeyson the keyboard.
- She told us howeasyit was to use thecomputer, then by way ofdemonstrationsimplypresseda fewkeyson the keyboard.
- anelectronickeyboard
- The keyboard wasfittedwith anon-standardplug.
- The keyboardplugsin at the back of thecomputer.
Publishing: paper & stationery
- A3
- A5
- acid-free
- assembler
- backspace
- ballpoint pen
- chalk
- foolscap
- fountain pen
- gift wrap
- grammage
- hanging chad
- notepad
- propelling pencil
- pulp
- quill
- quire
- qwerty
- ream
- slate
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Musical instruments
uk/ˈkiː.bɔːd/us/ˈkiː.bɔːrd/to putinformationinto acomputerusing a keyboard
操作键盘输入(信息)Writing & typing
- asemic
- bashsomethingout
- borrow
- calligrapher
- carriage return
- fair
- jot
- minute
- overwrite
- re-registration
- readability
- recompose
- reformulate
- registration
- rekey
- scribble
- touch-type
- unwritten
- writ
- writing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Operating computers