key chain
uk/ˈkiː ˌtʃeɪn/us/ˈkiː ˌtʃeɪn/anumberofmetalringsthat areconnectedtogether andattachedto alargerring, and often also to adecorativeobject, used forkeepingyourkeystogether:
钥匙链Theysell$1trinkets, such askeychains, on New York'sstreets.他们在纽约街头卖钥匙链这样的一美元小饰品。
Hecarrieshis newapartmentkeyson akeychainthatreads"Don't Mess with Texas他把新公寓的钥匙挂在写着 "别惹德州 "字样的钥匙链上。

- He wasexaminingarackofpersonalizedkeychains.
- Theshrunkendesignscould be made into such things askeychainsornecklaces.
- Onepassengerhad torelinquishasmallkeychainbecause itincludedasmallfoldingblade.
Building: locks & locksmithing
- bolt
- catch
- combination
- combination lock
- deadbolt
- deadlock
- fastener
- fob
- key fob
- key ring
- keycard
- keyhole
- keysafe
- lock
- locksmith
- master key
- mortise lock
- padlock
- pass key
- Yale lock