key fob
uk/ˈkiː ˌfɒb/us/ˈkiː ˌfɑːb/apieceofleatheror othermaterialto which akeyorgroupofkeysisfastened:
钥匙扣Everything frommousepadstokeyfobswith hisimageon was onsale.所有印有他照片的东西都在打折,从鼠标垫到钥匙扣都有。
anelectronicdeviceconnectedto akeythat is used tolockandunlocka car'sdoorsoroperateapieceofequipment:
遥控钥匙Hepressesabuttonon hiskeyfobandelectronicallyoperatedgatesswingsilentlyopen.他按下遥控钥匙上的一个按钮,电动控制的大门无声地打开了。

- Companies had set uptablesstrewnwithfreebrandedpens,keyfobs, T-shirts andglossybrochures.
- Contactlesssmartchiptechnologyisavailablein avarietyofforms–plasticcards,watches,keyfobs, and otherhandhelddevices.
- I've justopenedsomeone else'scarin thecarparkwith mykeyfob!
- High-techcarthievescould userecordingdevicestocaptureyourkeyfob'stransmittercodein theparkinglot.
- ankle bracelet
- anklet
- bauble
- be dripping withsomethingidiom
- butterfly
- cameo
- circlet
- clip-on
- cuff
- drip
- earring
- finery
- jewelled
- jewellery
- jewellery box
- pendant
- rhinestone
- sleeper
- sparkler
- treasure
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