knife block
uk/ˈnaɪf ˌblɒk/us/ˈnaɪf ˌblɑːk/asolidblockforstoringknives, withthinspacesinto whichtheirbladesare put:
The mostcommonmeansforstoringknivesis aknifeblock.
Theknifeblockismountedon astainlesssteelbasewhichrotatesforeaseof use.

matty2x4/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Aknifeblocksitson thekitchenbenchandkeepsthebladessafelyslottedaway.
- Ifyourknifeblockis taking upvaluableworkspace, anotheroptionismountingone to thewall.
- Somepeoplehave a secondkitchenout by thegrill:tables,cuttingboards,knifeblocks,evena secondrefrigerator.
Trays, racks & boards in the home
- baking tray
- breadboard
- cheeseboard
- chopping board
- cookie sheet
- cutting board
- dish rack
- lazy Susan
- place mat
- plate rack
- sheet pan
- tea tray
- toast rack
- tray
- trivet
- wine rack