uk/biˈjɒnd/us/biˈjɑːnd/beyondpreposition,adverb(FURTHER AWAY)
furtheraway in thedistance(than something):
更远;远于In thedistance, beyond theriver, was asmalltown.在河对岸的远处有一座小镇。
From thetopof thehillwe couldseeourhouseand thewoodsbeyond.站在这个小山顶,能看到我们的房子和远处的森林。
- Thepathextendsbeyond the end of theroad.
- Weswamout beyond thebreakers.
- Ourhouseis just beyond thebridge.
- Thecampsiteis over there, just beyond thathill.
- Can youseewhere thevillagestarts, just beyond thosetrees?
Ahead, in front and beyond
- ahead
- ahead of
- ante
- be (right) underyournoseidiom
- before
- downriver
- follow
- followyournoseidiom
- fore
- front
- front end
- head
- lead
- nose
- para
- past
- up
- yonder
beyondpreposition,adverb(OUTSIDE A LIMIT)
outsideor after (astatedlimit):
(范围)超出…;超过…Fewpeoplelivebeyond theageof a hundred.很少有人活过100岁。
We cannotallowtheworktocontinuebeyond the end of theyear.我们不能允许这项工作延续到下一年。
I've got nothing totellyou beyond(= inadditionto)what I told youearlier.除了先前告诉你的以外,我没有别的可说了。
Therepercussionswill befeltthroughouttheindustryand beyond(= in otherareas).影响将波及整个产业及其他领域。
Tonight'sperformancehas beencancelledduetocircumstancesbeyondourcontrol(=eventsthat we areunabletodealwith).由于出现了一些我们无法控制的情况,今晚的演出取消了。
She has alwayslivedbeyond hermeans(=spentmore than she hasearned).她生活总是入不敷出。
go beyond sth
to be more than or notlimitedto something:
超出;不只是Theappealof thisdevicegoes beyondconvenience.这个设备的特点不仅是便利。
beyond belief, repair, recognition,etc.
toogreatorbadfor anyone tobelieve,repair,recognize, etc.:
太…而难以置信(无法修复,难以辨认等)Histhoughtlessnessis beyondbelief.他的轻率令人不可思议。
beyond excited, serious, angry,etc.
extremelyexcited,serious,angry, etc.:
极其兴奋、极其严肃、极其愤怒等She says she is beyondexcitedtoseehersonfor the firsttimein more than threeyears.她说,三年多来第一次见到她儿子,她感到极其兴奋。
beyond reasonable doubtUK(USbeyond a reasonable doubt)
If alegalcaseor a person'sguiltisprovedbeyondreasonabledoubt, there is enoughprooffor thepersonaccusedof acrimeto bejudgedguilty:
- How shemanagestofitso much into aworkingdayis beyond mycomprehension.
- Thepainwasbadbeyondendurance.
- We did so well - beyond allourexpectations.
- Iftrafficincreasesbeyond acertainlevel, thecitygrindsto ahalt.
- Thesetestsare beyond thecapabilityof anaveragetwelve-year-old.
Before, after and already
- advance
- afore
- afterwards
- already
- ante
- as it isidiom
- before
- gone
- in advanceidiom
- in advance ofsomething/someoneidiom
- in the wake ofsomethingidiom
- next
- prologue
- quondam
- second-wave
- secondarily
- secondary
- shortly
- the next but oneidiom
- wake
beyondpreposition,adverb(NOT UNDERSTAND)
be beyondsomeone
If something is beyond you, you areunabletounderstandit:
令…无法理解;非…所能及Physics iscompletelybeyond me.恐怕我根本就学不会物理。
Beyond is a preposition or an adverb.…Idioms
beyond compare
beyond a joke
beyond a shadow of a doubt
beyond the pale
from beyond the grave