释义 |
practicenoun(ACTION)B2[U]actionratherthanthoughtorideas: 实施,实践 How do youintendtoputtheseproposalsintopractice, Mohamed?穆罕默德,你打算如何把这些计划付诸实施? in practice B2used todescribewhat reallyhappensasopposedto what youthinkwillhappenin aparticularsituation: (用来描述真正发生的事,而不是预计会发生的事)实际上 Itseemedlike a goodideabefore westarted, but in practice it was adisaster.在我们动手之前这似乎是个好主意,但实际上却是场灾难。 Officially, Robert's incharge, but in practice Hannahrunstheoffice.据称应该是罗伯特负责办事处的工作,但实际上却是汉纳在管。 I can'tseehowyourplanis going toworkin practice.我看不出你的计划在实践中如何行得通。 - Itfrustratesme that I'm notableto put any of myideasinto practice.
- Hedoubtedwhether theplanwasrealizablein practice.
- Herideaforreorganizingthedepartmentwill neverworkin practice.
- You'dbettercheckyou'veconsideredall thedetailsbefore youactuallyput theschemeinto practice.
- Intheory, thejourneyought to take threehours, but in practice it usuallytakesfour because ofroadworks.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesActing and acts - (your)every moveidiom
- -ation
- act/dosomethingonyourown responsibilityidiom
- activity
- agency
- ant
- er
- execution
- exploit
- fait accompli
- feel
- move
- role play
- rot
- step
- step up
- stop the rotidiom
- stuff
- talk
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: practicenoun(REGULAR ACTIVITY)C2[CorU]something that is usually orregularlydone, often as ahabit,tradition, orcustom: 惯常做法,惯例;习俗 What canEuropeancompanieslearnfromJapanesebusinesspractices?欧洲公司能从日本工商业的做法中学到些什么呢? It'scommonpractice in theStatestotipthehairdresser.在美国通常要给理发师小费。 This is acruelpractice that should bebannedimmediately.这是个残忍的习俗,应该立即禁止。 What isstandardpractice(= what is usually done)in asituationlike this?在这种情况下通常如何处理? Newspapereditorshaveagreedto a newcodeofpractice on theinvasionofprivacy.报社编辑们已同意在侵犯隐私的问题上采取新的行为准则。 make a practice ofsomethingUSorUKold-fashioned to do somethingregularly: 养成…的习惯,经常做…I'll doyourwashingfor you thistime, but I'm not going to make a practice of it.这次我给你洗衣服,不过下不为例。 - Winning firstprizewas theculminationofyearsof practice and hardwork.
- Iaskedtheteacherif I could beexcusedfromfootballpractice as mykneestillhurt.
- The practice of givingeggsatEastercan betracedback tofestivalsinancientChina.
- With someregularpractice, thosepieceswill beperfectintimeforyourmusicexam.
- Thecoursecomprisesaclassbook, a practicebookand anaudiotape.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRepeating an action - be at it againidiom
- be/sound like a broken recordidiom
- binge-watch
- bingeable
- blitz
- cycle
- drill
- go through
- Groundhog Day
- here
- here we go (again)idiom
- iterative
- rep
- reprise
- reproduce
- reproducible
- reread
- rerun
- resend
- rewrite
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: practicenoun(TRAINING)A2[CorU]theactof doing somethingregularlyorrepeatedlytoimproveyourskillat doing it: 练习;训练 I need to get some more practice before I take mydrivingtest.考驾照前我还得再练练。 Are you coming tochoirpractice thisevening?今晚的合唱训练你来吗? She's never athomebecause shespendsall herfreetimeathockeypractices.她从来都不在家,因为她把所有的空闲时间都用在练习曲棍球上了。 You'llgraduallygetbetterat it - it's just aquestionof practice.你慢慢会更熟练的——这只是个练习问题。 I'm a littleout ofpractice(= I haven't had anyrecentexperience)but I'dlovetoplay.我最近没怎么练习,但我愿意参加。 Do youmindif I have a few practiceshotsbefore westartthegame?开赛前我练几下投篮你介意吗? - choirpractice
- Winning firstprizewas theculminationofyearsof practice and hardwork.
- Iaskedtheteacherif I could beexcusedfromfootballpractice as mykneestillhurt.
- Thecoursecomprisesaclassbook, a practicebookand anaudiotape.
- At the end of eachteachingpractice,traineeteachersareaskedtoappraisetheirownperformance.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRepeating an action - be at it againidiom
- be/sound like a broken recordidiom
- binge-watch
- bingeable
- blitz
- cycle
- drill
- go through
- Groundhog Day
- here
- here we go (again)idiom
- iterative
- rep
- reprise
- reproduce
- reproducible
- reread
- rerun
- resend
- rewrite
See more results » practicenoun(WORK)[C]ajoborbusinessthatinvolvesa lot ofskillortraining: (专业性强的)工作,业务(活动) adental/medical/veterinary/legalpractice牙医/医疗/兽医诊所/律师事务所 Our practice isresponsiblefor about 5,000patients.我们诊所负责大约5000名患者。 She'sdecidedtoleavethe HealthServiceandjoinaprivatepractice.她决定离开公共医疗卫生服务机构,加入私人诊所。 USspelling ofpractise (practise的美式拼写)SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRepeating an action - be at it againidiom
- be/sound like a broken recordidiom
- binge-watch
- bingeable
- blitz
- cycle
- drill
- go through
- Groundhog Day
- here
- here we go (again)idiom
- iterative
- rep
- reprise
- reproduce
- reproducible
- reread
- rerun
- resend
- rewrite
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Work, working and the workplace (Definition ofpracticefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)practice| American Dictionarypracticenoun(ACTION)[U,not gradable]actionratherthanthoughtorideas: Itseemedlike a goodidea, but in practice it was adisaster. Howsoonwill the newproceduresbe put into practice? practicenoun(REGULAR ACTIVITY)[C/U]something that is usually orregularlydone, often as ahabit,tradition, orcustom: [U]It was hisusualpractice tobuyanewspapereverymorningon the way to theoffice. practiceverb(TRAIN)[I/T]to do orplaysomethingregularlyorrepeatedlyinordertobecomeskilledat it: [T]I’m good attennisbut I need to practice myserve. practiceverb(WORK)[I/T]to doworkof aparticulartypefor which a lot oftrainingisnecessary: [T]Thefirmhas been practicinglawfor over a hundredyears. (Definition ofpracticefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)practice| Business English[U]actionasopposedtothoughts,ideas, orplans: in practiceWe'll need ayearat least toseewhether this newapproachwillworkin practice. put sth into practiceWe arebeginningto put the newprocessesandsystemsinto practice. [U]LAWtheworkdone bypeoplesuch aslawyers,doctors, etc. whichinvolveslongperiodsoftrainingand highlevelsofskill: Hetrainedinprivatepracticein Glasgow. go into/set up in practiceAftergraduation, hepursuedadoctorateinpharmacologyinsteadof going into practice. [C]LAWthebusinessorplaceofworkofpeoplesuch aslawyers,doctors, etc.: run/start a practiceHerunsalegalpractice thatrivalssome of thebiggestcommerciallawfirmsin thecountry. adental/legal/medicalpractice agroup/privatepractice join/leavea practice [CorU]the way of doing things in aparticularbusiness,industry, etc.: common/standard/usual practiceIt iscommonpractice in thebuildingindustrytocostallitemsgross. bad/best/good practiceTheinsurancefirmhasissuedawarningreporttoitsmembers,highlightingbreachesofbestpractice. practice of doing sthThecompanywasfinedoveritscontinuedpractice ofemployingillegalimmigrants. adopt/follow/introduce a practiceMore and morecompaniesworldwidehavebeguntoadoptthe practice ofpreparingsustainabilityreports. accounting/business/management practicesShares in thecompanyfellafter itrevealedthatregulatorswerereviewingitsaccountingpractices. employment/labour/workingpractices See alsocode of practice customnoun fire practice general practice restrictive practice sharp practice (Definition ofpracticefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofpracticepractice The positive part aims to show that adoption andpracticeare sufficient to create the fundamental plans of a legal system.From theCambridge English Corpus Most of the agriculture practiced here is short-term rice and manioc followed by 4- 7 y of fallow.From theCambridge English Corpus Unfortunately, rigorous scientific data are lacking on the efficacy and effectiveness to justify medicalpractice.From theCambridge English Corpus Here was a version of philosophical commerce closer to our own definition of the word "commerce," yet one intimately related topractice.From theCambridge English Corpus Inpracticethis procedure would also issue an order to physically ship the merchandise.From theCambridge English Corpus Moreover, the usage of a purely mass-memory evaluation strategy improves previous deductive systems, eliminating, inpractice, any limitation in the dimension of the input data.From theCambridge English Corpus Older physicians, in contrast, probably looked forward to returning to their established practices.From theCambridge English Corpus But many physicians have refused these incentives because of the risk of control of theirpractice.From theCambridge English Corpus Using reflectivepracticeto link personal and public theories.From theCambridge English Corpus It reinforces that crucial determinants are respect for multiple perspectives, equal distribution of power, clarity ofpracticemodel, and open communication styles and systems.From theCambridge English Corpus Only a few practices reported using the data in a more systematic way and carrying out a regular analysis of them.From theCambridge English Corpus In the end, we have only neutered rhetorical forms to stand as theories, and random design novelties to stand aspractice.From theCambridge English Corpus Administrative staff in enhanced and usual care practices completed an 8-hour training session on recruiting eligible patients using a two-stage screening process.From theCambridge English Corpus Particular importance is attached to the gap between the theory andpracticeof law, and how the divergence could be reduced.From theCambridge English Corpus As well as considering the extreme theoretical cases he looks at the roles of organization and procurement inpractice.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/practice## |